Reviews for My Hero School Adventure is All Wrong, As Expected
The Twilight Trickster chapter 41 . 9/11
and that's crossover number 4
The Twilight Trickster chapter 41 . 9/11
and that's crossover number 4
JCarrasco chapter 43 . 9/11
Keep it up I love this story please.
Sum9 chapter 43 . 9/10
Hachiman you fool. How many more times are you going to smash the self-destruct button on your body and spirit?

It's surreal to listen to his thoughts. He's so certain that he's right that he's just making it worse for when he gets his much deserved intervention. He's deathly sacrificial. He has everything he needs to be great but is genuinely destroying himself in pursuit of his single-minded goal.

Your friends care about you moron! Turn back while you still can!
Naruto chapter 3 . 8/21
I like dogs.

Hachiman combined All Might's Stockpile and Mt. Lady's Gigantification.

Hachiman passed the admission test.
Naruto chapter 2 . 8/21
How old is Komachi?
Naruto chapter 1 . 8/21
Is society stealing from heroes?

Spite is a strong motivator.

"108 Skills"?

All Might defeated the villain.
Guest chapter 41 . 8/20
Hachiman x Momo ftw
Sixdry chapter 43 . 8/18
Hope you update this soon
AshiyaNuz chapter 21 . 8/18
Allat for hikigaya to lose
Guest chapter 16 . 7/21
What the hell is this bullcrap?! You have Hachiman lose against Bakugou when he already made the conviction to beat Todoroki’s treacherous ass? It was Todoroki’s fault the plan completely derailed and it was Todoroki who betrayed Hachiman and you just have him go ahead and lose to Bakugou for an incredibly bull reason? All that hard work gone because Haruno decided to act like the piece of crap she is? You suck as an author.
eagermeager chapter 9 . 7/22
you know, your hikigaya's musings about house prices reminded me of another excellent crossover fic (narutoxjustice league), where there's musings that batman's the reason gotham city is livable. He makes sure there's no supers around, so collatoral damage is kept to a minimum, and disruption to everyday life is also not noticeable. So home insurance isn't insane, meaning it's relatively easy to afford a house there. Or i guess, be comforted that the money being spent on the house isn't going to vanish tomorrow.
JOTTA38 chapter 43 . 7/20
he leido esta historia ya tres veces y es asombroso como no me canso de ella, si te soy sincero creo que es el mejor fic de my hero academia que eh leido, espero que pronto puedas sunbir una actualización, seria un crimen no hacerlo
Guest chapter 15 . 7/18
Man, I'm missing Zaimokuza here
nicholas.b21 chapter 43 . 7/12
nooo hikimama why do you say that
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