Reviews for Left Behind
blaumeow chapter 1 . 10/3/2024
Loved this entire fanfiction! You are an incredible writer! Binge read the entire “trilogy”. First time in a fanfiction that I actually liked Fred, so great job writing him with Draco. Cant wait to read more!
yukijoanne chapter 41 . 6/30/2024
There are so many typo...
If this is a repost, it would be better if you can proof-read and edit it first...
Lucy chapter 16 . 6/10/2024
In the original book, Hermione has to endure for a short time, and you're going to torture her for even longer, just to keep her with Draco Malfoy.
Itspattymac chapter 43 . 8/3/2023
How can I find the next book on wattpad?
Bubbles3031 chapter 43 . 7/16/2023
Wish you would post the story on here cannot find it on wattpad
pans-neverland84 chapter 22 . 6/27/2023
i love your story its really amazing !
Guest chapter 43 . 2/21/2023
ashuri-chan24 chapter 1 . 12/1/2022
I havent read a good fic in a while I like one
Between White and Black chapter 2 . 9/25/2022
Love it since the beginning!
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 43 . 9/13/2022
It's a wonderful story and. I've really enjoyed read ing it as it's Avery good psychological thriller!

I don't think I'll be able to read book Two. I really dislike, almost hate the way Watt Pad is formatted and I hate Watt Pads reviewing system! I open I u'll reconsider and post book two here!

Anyway, Happy Writing, Stay Safe And Well!
Lim Yatagarasu chapter 43 . 9/9/2022
No you've got it all wrong.
Draco is a c*nt and should die. Horribly.
Princess Beautiful Lake chapter 43 . 8/29/2022
Love this story, I do think slow burns are great!
Will you be posting the sequel from wattipad here as well?
Rae chapter 3 . 8/15/2022
Love the inner conflict Draco is facing. One small suggestion - take out the reference to a gun to keep it more in the magical world.
Rae chapter 2 . 8/15/2022
Great start! Really excited to see where this goes.
LjGHunter chapter 43 . 8/9/2022
Boring. Really truly boring.
You've written great characters like lifeless husks and it shows badly in last nine chapters.
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