Reviews for Distance
Eu.nicewong chapter 39 . 8/6/2023
WOW. This was by far some of the best HGDMs that I have read on this site. I love that the romance was a small feature, encouraged along by the thrill and mystery of the main story. Definitely give this story a read!
Christine chapter 39 . 4/28/2023
Every time I read this story a different detail catches my attention and imagination. It is so intriguing to contemplate all the possibilities raised by your plot and development of it. It is so well done! I hope a new mission' may one day present itself for these two. Thank you.
ImpendingDoomWithMayonnaise chapter 3 . 11/4/2022
I don't get it. Why does Hermione let herself abused and insulted by him and she just says nothing?! A fucking war hero lets herself insulted by a war coward? Really? I don't know about this, mate... but okay, only 3rd chapter, let's see what happens...
leftwrightwrong chapter 4 . 10/19/2022
Why is Hermione such a bitch? She’s not the sort of person to hold a grudge like this. I think you’ve projected too much of yourself on her. She’s becoming annoying and tedious.
Khaleesi Kardashian chapter 39 . 9/10/2022
I loved this story!
mezy chapter 39 . 2/5/2022
A perfect story to read while iced in at home. Thanks for sharing!
darkxlunatiic chapter 3 . 2/4/2022
every gryffindor in this story reads as boo hoo he was a mean teenager so he dosen't deserve a job or a fair work place like he was just soo mean
TrixieNancy124 chapter 39 . 2/1/2022
Wow, what a ride! I enjoyed this very much, and it was amazing. Great work!
Glorificus26 chapter 39 . 1/6/2022
Oh my goodnesssss! This is one of the best I’ve read this far. The plot was intriguing and kept me on my toes. Your writing was impeccable. The realistic way in which their relationship progressed was on point. I definitely would love to see more adventures from these two. And keep writing!
BumbleHoney chapter 1 . 12/21/2021
This was an interesting story and I enjoyed it. The plot kept me interested although I was wondering the entire time when the M rating was ever going to kick in. It really didn’t need to be rated Mature. There were approximately 3 paragraphs of a very frilly PG rated smut and they didn’t show until the very end of the story. You should have just left the three paragraphs out and rated it K-T.
Malfoy-Whitlock chapter 1 . 10/21/2021
About all chapters -

You’re writing is impeccable, the plots are Hollywood Blockbusters in the making, characterisation is absolutely spot on, and nothing was glossed over or too drawn out. You, and this story, are incredibly awesome. oops, and thank you! x
Malfoy-Whitlock chapter 39 . 10/21/2021
sarae32 chapter 1 . 10/13/2021
Finding I’m already intrigued by this story on ch 1, and looking forward to the rest of it.
Awaremi chapter 39 . 8/27/2021
I cant express how much i loved this story.
Lafanenretard chapter 39 . 7/29/2021
Wow ! That's something else.
Firstly thank you for all the historical facts that you shared here. It was really interesting. I never heard of this civilization before but after reading your story I started looking for any info and what I found was fascinating ! Thanks again !
Your plots never cease to amaze me. You have such a vivid imagination. I really like Unspeakable Hermione and Auror Draco, they form a good team. And idk I wish we could know what happens to them after but I'll leave that to my imagination.
Thanks again for sharing it with us ! I look forward to any new story that you'll write.
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