Reviews for Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent
Lukoshi chapter 23 . 9/8
Kudos to you, a wonderful story that I could not stop reading from the moment I started. Definitely one that is worth a re-read. Will be going to check out your other works if this is indicative of the level of writing you do. Cheers!
Lukoshi chapter 12 . 9/8
Fuck. This story is ridiculously cute. Would also read Harry Potter and the Hungry Hippogriff 10/10
Lukoshi chapter 9 . 9/8
Ew, Ginny. Why JKR felt that canon Harry should end up with someone who looks like his mother or would-be sister is A) disturbing and B) wildly disappointing. Way better pairings she could have explored. Also Ron Weasley is the worst character in the entire series, she should have taken him instead of Fred.
Lukoshi chapter 7 . 9/8
I love it when the Greengrass parents aren't asshats but loving adults to their children. Great read so far!
Lukoshi chapter 2 . 9/8
Lmao why is Tracey Davis always the best in every fanfic she makes an appearance in? Loving it so far!
Spannerspoon chapter 22 . 9/7
Fantastic! You definitely stuck the landing! Brilliantly written and throughly enjoyed!
Chepchep chapter 23 . 8/22
Très bonne histoire et assez attachante. Merci beaucoup
Scabbers1957 chapter 23 . 8/6
This was a very well thought out and written story. I'll add it my favorites.
Sitheus Maximus chapter 23 . 8/6
This is wonderful! A very enjoyable read, thank you so much for sharing!
stay-awhile-and-listen chapter 23 . 8/2
This is still one of my favorite stories. Thank you for writing it.
csheila chapter 23 . 6/21
Thanks for the follow up
csheila chapter 22 . 6/21
Wonderful story
csheila chapter 21 . 6/21
Lovely. Right amount of emotion ansd cunning
csheila chapter 20 . 6/21
Beautiful set of scenes
csheila chapter 18 . 6/21
Very original plot points
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