Reviews for Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent
Guest chapter 4 . 12/17/2018
(Wrong button *grumbles*)

Harry just doesn't have the patience for it. Does mean he can anticipate and counter any Slytherin tactics by being a blunt Gryffindor.

By that same token, Hermione is a Gryffinclaw and Neville as Gryffinpuff.

Luna on the other hand is a Ravendor and could be considered Hermione's opposite and foil.

Luna is the Philosopher/Theologian, whereas Hermione is the scientist. Even if she's a little too dependent upon authority figures and books.

She isn't the trailblazer type at this point in time, unlike (most likely) a Lily Potter.

Post-War after having her trust betrayed by Dumbledore's machinations. That's a shatter point, where she could go from run of the mill to actually becoming the cutting edge in research.

There's a difference in mindset involved that canon Hermione wouldn't be able to progress through until after the War.

Not that JKR would allow that, considering she's convinced Dumbledore is a good guy a la Gandalf, rather than a Saruman of Many Colours.

Latter didn't consider himself evil either and doing things for a Greater Good.

I can see Saruman justifying a child to be raised in an abusive home, but Gandalf?

So yeah, very much disagree with the author about her characterization.

And her claims as to why Harry didn't end up an obscurial sound like a badly done asspull as well.

(Recently read it and couldn't disagree more.)

But let's go on with the show
Guest chapter 4 . 12/17/2018
*Were all Gryffindors this confusing or was it just Harry and the ones he hung out with?*

To be fair. Harry is a Gryfferin, meaning while he's predominantly a Gryffindor, he does have a Slytherin side to him. He knows how "The Game" is played by Slytherins, he just doesn't have
CaskettFan5 chapter 7 . 12/17/2018
I enjoyed this chapter so much I had forgotten to be disappointed that 'the chosen one' didn't make an appearance. Then you reminded me with your author's note - oh well, there is always next chapter. :)

I liked the linking of the stories from two different generations, especially how it explains her parents reactions. Speaking of "her" parents, you wrote "his" when Daphne noticed Snape. Daphne's parents are definitely not "his".

Anyway, the two stories explain a lot, especially the admonition, 'don't be an idiot'. I liked your portrayal of Daphne's feelings here and loved her parents' reactions. Top marks again!
Ronin Kenshin chapter 7 . 12/17/2018
good work
XxDragon King DragneelxX chapter 7 . 12/17/2018
Great update i cant wait to read more!
trispectrum chapter 7 . 12/16/2018
Another excellent chapter. I really liked how you crafted the discussion between Daphne and her parents. Very interesting use of Neville's family's history to provide added context to Daphne's parents reaction as well as linking it into perhaps the most powerful statement Daphne has made about Harry to-date. It also makes clear about the true status of her developing feelings for him - feelings her parents also now know exist.

Will also be interesting if or how you might bring her parents further into the plot against Voldemort.

Really looking forward to the next chapter. Again, really well done with this chapter.
HPpureblood chapter 7 . 12/16/2018
Great update!
ossifrage chapter 3 . 12/16/2018
"Pique" instead of 'peak' - yay!
areskabir chapter 7 . 12/16/2018
Nice story
nitewolf423 chapter 7 . 12/16/2018
Somehow you have managed to keep a cliffhanger going for a entire chapter. That's like watch a shows season finale ending on a cutoff only be be introduced to new characters for the first 2 episode with out finding out what happened. I salute you and flip you off at the same time sir/madam
TheLastFedaykin chapter 7 . 12/16/2018
Another good chapter! I like how you included the Longbottom family instead of the more cliched path, making Lord Greengrass meet James Potter.
Nitewolf423 chapter 6 . 12/15/2018
I can’t wait for the next chapter
Ronin Kenshin chapter 6 . 12/16/2018
great fic can't wait to see where this goes from here awesome work
trispectrum chapter 6 . 12/15/2018
A great chapter. I really liked the interactions between Daphne, Astoria and Tracey - especially the scene with Astoria where Daphne keeps re-evaluating her success as a spy. Really entertaining scene, together with the little cameo towards the end of the chapter where she tells the truth about Harry which Tracey does not believe.

Looking forward to seeing how you craft the interactions between Daphne and her parents and whether Astoria is included in the discussion in the next chapter.

Also interesting development with Hermoine becoming a study partner.

Really looking forward to the next chapter. Really well done with this one.
CaskettFan5 chapter 6 . 12/15/2018
Another great chapter! I loved how she alternated between thinking she had everything under control and thinking she was in over her head. The best part though was her telling the truth in a way that made her friend think she was joking. Now THAT was a true Slytherin!

I also like how she is starting to think about how other people react to her and that maybe she needs to lighten up a little. I'm hoping for a little more Harry in the next chapter though. This fake (perhaps someday real?) romance is taking on a life of its own.
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