Reviews for I Just Want To Travel The World
iritheas chapter 143 . 3h
I love this story so much I’ve reread this so many times Thank you for this!
YigitG chapter 143 . 2/6
are you gonna continue this story cause im hooked and i want to read more!?

ps: i want to say this has been a highlight for me even if you dont continue the story your pokemon fanfics has been a joy to read thank you for your amazing work.
PandaLord0 chapter 143 . 1/22
Well, first off it's a fantastic story with over a million words and you do not understand how much I love OC pokemon stories with decent depth that are also long. While there are some grammar issues that is a given that this isn't a professional work (feels like it) and you don't (seem to) have a beta for some of these but they are still amazing and you are blessed for what must be hundreds if not thousands of hours dedicated to this; thank you.
lacedscorpion chapter 68 . 1/14
theres some of of error here not letting me access the reviews and IM DYINGGGG I WANNA KNOW PPL'S REACTIONS SO BAD
lacedscorpion chapter 50 . 1/14
i like how all the si's were introduced. i remember dropping the rocket's story cus of the multiple ocs. glad i gave this a second chance
lacedscorpion chapter 11 . 1/12
"Most trainers had suggested a "flee on sight" approach for aspiring challengers if they ever saw the Defense Room.

In response, Norman just shifted me into different rooms every time I reported for work at the gym."

Not her being given the Cynthia treatment
Guest chapter 105 . 1/4
Maaann i sure as hell wish Death is a Bug Specialist
Guest chapter 104 . 1/4
- I huffed in amusement and the stare he gave me was what I hoped I would tease out of him.

I'm pretty sure its just me blowing this out of the water considering she's sorta flirty(?) from what i remember of her. But go Velda x Jayce go!
Guest chapter 101 . 1/4
How short is Vera for Volkner to keep calling her shortstack?
i.amdizzy2 chapter 143 . 11/26/2024
An Ancient Ally.
i.amdizzy2 chapter 143 . 11/26/2024
This is a great first ghost to add to her team. Basically just gave her a super suit . I approve.
i.amdizzy2 chapter 142 . 11/26/2024
“She’s so young right now.” What do these guys knoqlw , that we don’t?
i.amdizzy2 chapter 142 . 11/26/2024
Call this The Death March.
i.amdizzy2 chapter 141 . 11/26/2024
Hoenn gone fight everytime! Every trainer!
i.amdizzy2 chapter 141 . 11/26/2024
I love how you write her and her ghosts. Especially the ghosts on her main team.
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