Reviews for DoritoClan's: The Doorway To Desire! (TM)
glitchheart chapter 3 . 3/28/2019
originally i was gonna put something dumb and silly in here in some sort of "hoohoo haha funy fanfic" kind of way, but yknow what? i'm actually just gonna be sincere here.
this fic shocks me. but like, in a very, very good way. me and my sister had seen this fanfic in the archives a few times but always steered away from reading it, since we were used to trite, unfunny trollfics and crackfics that thought spewing memes or replaying starkit's prophecy beat by beat was the pinnacle of humor - and i must admit that the title "DoritoClan: The Doorway to Desire" wasn't exactly getting our hopes up. but... yesterday, we went out on a limb and read all that's been published so far. and you know what? it's REALLY good.
throughout reading we were left wheezing with laughter several times, and honestly liked the characters a lot more than expected. really, the most shocking thing to me is how much of this is perfectly in line with our sense of humor and goofy writing style, with many things feeling like they could have came right out of one of the other unusual parody type things we enjoy. i had never actually thought i'd find something anywhere near our niche in the warrior cats fanfic archive, but this fic is a breath of fresh air to me, and i'm really looking forward to more.
anyway i'm a manlet and chunky is scary as hell
xXShadyBlackCatXx chapter 3 . 3/26/2019
I love it