Reviews for Tsunami
hstevens0816 chapter 3 . 12/30/2018
omg...alice send help :(
Coffeefilterart chapter 2 . 12/30/2018
You’re doing a great job writing detailed scenes while keeping things interesting. I’m looking forward to reading more!
sherylb chapter 2 . 12/21/2018
Hope she lives long enough for him to change her
Kuro Furasshu chapter 2 . 12/21/2018
He has to change her now or she is going to die
LaurelLeafSinger chapter 2 . 12/21/2018
Leave it to poor Bella to get caught in a tsunami! Good idea and writing. What happens next? ;-)
Twilove4ever chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
OMG this is amazing, please keep on writing.
soupydoo1 chapter 1 . 12/20/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2018
Is this a one-shot? I hope not because I want to know what happens after this!
PrettyGirl132 chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
Can’t wait to see what happens next! Update soon!
babesbraves chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
Looking forward to reading!
Gruuldark chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
That’s interesting I’m curious for more.
Kuro Furasshu chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
Very interesting looking forward to more
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