Reviews for Special Chapter: An Unexpected Savior
The Eschaton chapter 1 . 12/6/2021
Can I take inspiration from your story?
Guest01 chapter 1 . 5/4/2021
I know it's late for me to review (and I wished I had a few years back if I had gotten into Hakkaider sooner) but dang was this the fic I needed to read as it is the only complete Hakkaider crossover fic in here. You got Hakkaider just right, I don't care how he got into the world of Akame Ga Kill either from Isekai BS or something else entirely but I don't care really because it's f**king Hakkaider being the mother effing badass robot with a gun that can blow s**t up, mercilessly (and I love it).

It's a nice change of pace really for someone like Hakkaider and I wish there was more of that dude than there is from Kikkaider because Hakkaider is more interesting as a character who's not only a bad anti-hero, but also a bad ass anti-hero with compassion especially children. He doesn't stand for justice like your typical goody-two shoes hero (in whatever anime they happen to be in), he stands for freedom because he's a frigging rebel who takes no crap from anyone but surprisingly, he will help the weak when it comes to dealing with bad people who either oppress them (or in this case of this fic, do some really nasty s**t towards the innocent like the three young girls whose fates could have been worse than death but luckily that never happened and I like to think this is canon because Hakkaider rules). If there was more characters like Hakkaider in isekai who aren't really heroes but won't stand for injustice either, maybe the isekai could have been tolerable but I'd still have my doubts.

Anyway, this is one the best fics I've read here and I'm glad I stumbled upon it when I was looking a good Hakkaider fic and yours is the best I've read despite it being just one chapter. Just glad I never watched the anime or I would feel like s**t just for watching it and Hakkaider was able to sooth out the tragedy, even though it is a little convenient because of how much he helped them. Still, he's not just the anti-heroic guardian those girls needed, but the anti-heroic guardian they deserved.
Toa Solaric chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
This is certainly an interesting early Christmas present, man!
Andrew78591 chapter 1 . 12/20/2018
This was pretty good. Very refreshing from the other Akame Ga Kill fanfics I've read. Can't wait to see more from you.
Dracus6 chapter 1 . 12/20/2018
power rangers and Akame ga kill crossover
2 OCs as the Crimson and Navy Thunder Rangers
OC crimson x Leone
OC Navy x Akame
Tatsumi x Mine
Wave x Kurome
Power Rangers and Rwby crossover
Oc as Quantum ranger x Ruby Rose
OC white ranger dino thunder x Weiss Schnee
OC as SPD Shadow Ranger x Blake Belladonna
OC as Gold Samurai Ranger x Yang Xiao Long
evil OC Drakkon x Cinder Fall
Evil OC Koragg x Neo
this idea for you PM read it and review it to me
J the AbareKiller good luck and do your very best.
gundam 09 chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
Hakaider a good guy, well, this is a surprise, can't wait to see the next one.
brave kid chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
once again great work

i understand why you used the movie version