Reviews for Heated Storm Yields a Wild Horse's Heart
iganarroyo1 chapter 18 . 11/19
Al final se convirtió en harem, si akane en el canon jamás le gustó que ranma estuviera si quiera mirando a las demás, menos Nabiki, bueno, al menos hasta el capitulo 9 estuvo excelente
iganarroyo1 chapter 1 . 11/14
Well, something tells me that if he picks up this story again, it will end up like another harem in another Ranma and Nabiki story, I love the story, but I don't know what the obsession is with having to yes or yes, Ranma and Nabiki be involved in some threesome, or a polyamory Is it too much to ask for a Ranma and Nabiki story with just the two of them? without having to involve others in a relationship of two? Besides, it seems that Nabiki always downplays the importance in these stories of other girls kissing, having Ranma to themselves, I will never understand.
Sonic Thunder Saiyan Turtle chapter 18 . 11/13
Alright, I haven't read this in a while, but I'm absolutely hooked! And I definitely need to see the next chapter!
Wonkslost chapter 18 . 9/9
Por favor dime que continuará esta historia me gusto mucho
Rogharn chapter 18 . 3/25
I have read your story several times and it is the best of the entire Ranma section, we will continue waiting patiently for the next chapter, it is somewhat sad that the vast majority of works in the fandom have such low quality, so many problems even with spelling. That's why the wait is more difficult because by having your fic as the standard, the others end up looking very pale.
Sweet Little Hufflepuff chapter 18 . 2/29
I absolutely love the direction you've taken this story in. And it's adorable how they all bond over food; teens really are bottomless pits, especially the martial artists!

I have a confession: this story really helps me out when I'm having a bad day.

Hope everything is going good for you.
Oberon Black chapter 18 . 2/19
Once again reading this story, enjoying it greatly, only to find it still has 18 chapters. As a writer who has left their one story untouched for years, it’s totally hypocritical of me to say so but, but I really hope you one day return to this story. In know you are currently busy with your Ranma fics with One Piece and Teen Titans, with the odd D&D chapter every now and then, but you got something good here and it’s equally deserving of your talents as a writer.

Thanks once for the read.
King Loki chapter 18 . 2/16
Oh wow! I have just finished making my way through your fic. I haven't been able to put it down for the last few days. I've really enjoyed it and hope you plan to continue it soon!

Overall I think you have done a good job at starting from the beginning with Ranma and Nabiki getting engaged. I really like the Nabiki/Ranma pairing. It works really well if Nabiki has been fleshed out a little more than the anime and manga did. You get a more mature relationship than the pairing with Ranma & Akane since both can bring out the worst in each other as well as make them both act childishly. Though I might be biased, I also see Nabiki as being the most open-minded of the cast in coming to accept Ranma's female side along with helping Ranma accept it also.

I think the fic has overall done well storywise, though I would have preferred more deviation from canon and hope if this goes forward that it starts to become more of its own story than following the anime or manga. I'm assuming you plan to get all the major characters on stage before building to where to story is aiming to go? I think deviating more from canon going forward would be a good move as following the main points of the anime/ manga could get restrictive and exhausting for you.

I have liked how you handled all the characters so far. I really liked Ranma, Nabiki, Shampoo & Ukyo characterisation. One thing I would love more of is more exploration of what they are thinking about and how they are coming to grips with the situations they find themselves in. I think you have done a good job with the side characters, especially Kuno! I hope he gets a bit more screen time and that his training improves to challenge Ranma more. The two characters that have been the least enjoyable have been Akane and Ryoga. Akane seemed to be better at socialising with Ranma until Ryoga showed up then that growth seemed to have gone backwards. Ryoga also is a pretty annoying character though that is a part of his canon characterisation. I hope that you want to have them grow up somewhat in the story and get past their worst traits. Akane's being her pride and anger. Ryoga's being his obsession with Ranma and blaming him for everything.

I want to also highlight my favourite bits of the story have been Ranma and Nabiki hanging out or pretty much all of Chapter 16 where the four main characters discuss their relationship and start hanging out. Ranma being helped by the other girls in the bathhouse to be more comfortable as well as him getting them all gifts were really sweet scenes and I would love more of these in the future.

I have noticed that you haven't updated this story in three years so it might be that you have lost interest in it, which would be a shame, though you are still active on here so I can live in hope you might return to this. I am planning to move on to your Ranma/ One Piece crossover next. Hopefully, this review might help inspire you to return to this fic and resume updating it. The point in the story with Ranma dealing with The Full Body Cat Tongue is a great point with so much juicy story potential! Even if that doesn't happen, thank you for writing this!
Hiryo chapter 18 . 1/25
Thank you for going back to the basics of Ranma and explain what how happened.

Even more so, this version of Nabiki is very fun and I really love how this route of Ranma went.
Along the way of staying the same, although so much changed!

I really look forward when the other milestones of the Ranma story happens.

Thank you for writing sooo much goodness!
psytoro7 chapter 8 . 1/23
Still Weird to see a version of tatewaki not obvious to the fact Girl-type and Boy-type ranma are the fact the same.
chrismhinsch chapter 18 . 12/21/2023
Great story hope too read more!
The old goul is one of my favorite characters. Just the right amount of sturn, fun, and too bad ass to say no too.
shadowphantomnes chapter 2 . 11/29/2023
I really like how you're describing Ranma and Nabiki's interactions. Ranma being accepted, even partially, is very nice, and Nabiki amazingly gets along with him - and he UNDERSTANDS.
Junior VB chapter 18 . 11/21/2023
Cologne ha puesto a Ranma en una difícil situación.
Cologne has put Ranma in a difficult situation.
Junior VB chapter 17 . 11/21/2023
A Ranma no le gustan los gatos.
Ranma doesn't like cats.
Junior VB chapter 16 . 11/21/2023
Ranma, Nabiki, Shampoo y Ukyo tuvieron un lindo día.
Ranma, Nabiki, Shampoo and Ukyo had a nice day.
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