Reviews for For Earth and All Her Colonies
valkrus chapter 13 . 12/17/2022
well to be fair in canon humans are the only ones with the concept of the carrier and I don't think you clarify that your fic will go against that canon concept so can you really blame us
Stormzy chapter 13 . 12/13/2022
Come backkkkk
Stormzy chapter 6 . 11/17/2022
Mannnn please update
Eddyg125 chapter 5 . 11/13/2022
Turians didn't have carries till humans introduced them. Heck they should have little chance against the UNSC post great war and definitely no chance with all these no advancements.
laughingfox31 chapter 13 . 11/7/2022
Update please it's been a year.
CrazedBureaucrat64 chapter 13 . 7/16/2022
As much awesome this story is, it is actually (drum roll) ... just ok. By that I mean no so perfectly good, but neither horribly bad.
The problem however is that the gets pulled into a HFY like path. Now let me explain and I mean no malevolence.

The story and action are good at first even with the inaccuracies (ex: the pressedium having a ring-esque atmosphere), but it becomes apparent the UNSC and their allies tactics are kinda stupid. The UNSC's admiral (your oc, I forgot sadly) is said to come off to have the mindset of Coles's and Key's. So when her fleet engages the Turians, she instead orders them to change ahead even when she could just use pmac and this thing called missiles. Then their is the UNSC and Alliance attack on the Citadel, which realistically is both impossible and stupid. By doing this instead of of coordinating their strikes, they futher raise tension and make it seem they are overly aggressive.

There is also the issue of the council, who's portrayal is kinda ruined for me. You putted them as aggrogant, but not too much and somewhat smart. Later, however, they immediately become retarded class stupid with any sense thrown out the window. That said, the story and action scenes, like above are great. From the space battles to Cerebus being led by Anderson, it's tasty.

In conclusion, despite looking good, For Earth and All Her Colonies is just me. Even with its goods, it's gets sadly outweighed by its flaws alongside uneeded HFY and aggression. That said, there is always room for a rewrite and on the topic of hiatus, that's okay. Irl can be hard and if you don't want to continue writing this, I understand. I would give this story a 6.5 or in my words, a normal delivery restaurant steak.

- CrazedBureaucrat64
tmcgo777 chapter 13 . 7/7/2022
good to see you back
Terror Dark Calws Army chapter 10 . 6/12/2022
When did Thel come back into the room, I thought he left?
SPECTOR -107 chapter 1 . 5/11/2022
I hope this shit stain of a story stays dead
ADeter chapter 7 . 2/8/2022
Sweet fuck you do know that earth overall is 40kilometers equatorial wise... that JUGGERNAUT IS A FUCKing PLANETS WORTH OF FURY...*Whispers* its so beautiful
ADeter chapter 6 . 2/8/2022
10 Scarabs man thats like pissing in a homeless mans cereal honestly let alone the fact that you've got one the greatest defensive species in the Galaxy because you think Turians would be but naw the closest they get was with the krogan that had like 3 planets destroyed humans fought a war of attrition for 30 fucking years that resulted in HUNDREDS of glassed planets then you've got the species that glassed 90% of those planets that are like a warrior wave of pure righteousness fall from the sky and slam dick first into 10,000 unlucky bird boys the wounded and prisoners will probably be alright literall the each of the Defense and Offense spectrum because I was swear they both are all strength and all Dex builds because you can't be that powerful and not be
CALlC0 chapter 6 . 2/7/2022
How did the disruptor torpedos go through literal hardlight is my main question. It's called that for a reason
CALlC0 chapter 5 . 2/7/2022
The citadel's ships honestly shouldn't have damaged the UNSC ones even with their superior fire rate. They just don't have the capacity to break the shields easily, and beyond that, they're made for hitting through light armor, not well, multiple meters of extremely strong titanium. They'd really only be able to damage them through lucky shots at the engines and maybe point defense guns after the shields were down. Thats just with the normal shielding too. This is all extremely upgraded.
CALlC0 chapter 1 . 2/7/2022
Actually before the human covenant war I believe humanity had over 35000 ships. I could be wrong but I'm referencing evevee and after checking what they have they do check their sources a lot so I don't think that's far fetched
Sierratuere chapter 13 . 1/26/2022
it's a valid nitpick. in the lore it's stated that the concept of carriers was a uniquely human idea and that none of the other citadel races possessed a true carrier type vessel
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