Reviews for For Earth and All Her Colonies
SirIcarus chapter 13 . 1/20/2022
Just want to say love the story, I binge 4ead it all today
Mardyyy chapter 13 . 12/31/2021
I don’t think the quarians can give the hurogok a run for their money.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/17/2021
You know what they say. "Procrastinate now, don't put it off."
Seb The King117 chapter 2 . 12/12/2021
I really loved the story and everything i hope it continues on
candel06 chapter 13 . 12/4/2021
Please take care of yourself. We can wait for a notice going either eay in regards to this story. I hope to see more but understand if decide to end it. This was very well writeen and handeled very well, the small inconsistencies with canon facts (specifically the issue of certain weapons and ship designations for ME fleets) are perfectly acceptable, I mean this is FANFICTION is it not. I hope all is well with you and yours and that you have had a good holiday season and that that trend continues. I look forward to the next installment! Ja Ne!
18767 chapter 13 . 11/27/2021
I have loved this seires but please. please! update.
18767 chapter 1 . 11/27/2021
When i first saw the word and chapeter count i was amazed
Alan chapter 1 . 11/17/2021
God, I really hate when a story starts with a timeline. If you arent able to explain the changes- in story - then you suck as a writer, and chances are the information is irrelevant to the story anyway.
yiggdrasill chapter 5 . 11/17/2021
A good first space battle. They are hard to get right so congratulations. Only issues are the Turin carriers, the council didn't have carriers till humans introduced them to it, and the disruption missiles that turned the battle, they were developed after the sovereign incident if I remember correctly. Only one I have big issue with is the carriers as much as it's a common mistake because it's a distinctly human contribution to the citadel but I'm enjoying the story enough to overlook it.
ZeroExia chapter 13 . 11/1/2021
I’ll be here when you come back
Naughty Girl chapter 13 . 10/30/2021
Thank you wonderful author for sharing this nice story .
Life priority is well understandable ... It is hard to manage sometimes
I enjoyed your story so much ... Please take care and stay safe ...
Our world is very harsh ... i.e., with taxes for example ...

Thank you again and kind regards
redmen6blight chapter 13 . 10/30/2021
I sincerely hope you come back to this as its pretty good I'm rather interested to see what you do. I would love to see UNSC working with the Sangelli/Elites,i would be interested to see what your plans are for the Qaurians,the Krogan,and what you plan for the reapers. Please give this a chance all it really needs is more Masterchief perhaps humanize him a bit that would be nice to see.
Cooldude101011 chapter 1 . 10/19/2021
Natural causes?... yeah sure...
Cooldude101011 chapter 13 . 10/19/2021
Really? Blaming capitalism? Deported!?
RightHandOfPalpatine chapter 13 . 10/17/2021
I wish you well, and also hope to see you come back to this fic one day. In my honest opinion, this is one of the better Halo/ME crossovers on this site! But as always, real life comes first, so you do what you gotta do.
Also, ignore the trolls in the reviews, especially the guy complaining about communism for some reason?
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