Reviews for For Earth and All Her Colonies
Guest chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
Ok humana wont forgive shangelli so easily much less share a station of ancient humanity , and humanity got more than 800 worlds, and please dont buff The citadel it will be stupid
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
The ueg or unsc got 800 worlds AMD they got a navy of 28 thousands ships
DragonSilhouette chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
Great start, looking forward to more!
Carlosxvx chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
You could make it so that The humans of The unsc are descendants of The ancient humans who figth till The very end against both The flood and The forruners while The ones of The sistem aliance are The descendants of those ancient humans who decided to run away , so The forruners believe that The unsc are worthy and are they reclaimers while The ones of The sa are The scum of ancient humanity and deem them unworthy so they dont got The geas and are not reclaimers , also why would they share they teck with The shangeli ? In canon they got all of that teck by studying forruners artifacts and The halos , most of all they wont be giving it away in case The shangeli become theire enemys again , much less share a space station made by they ancestors with aliens that tried to destroy them in canon while they got an aliance it was only out of desesperation and even then it was The unsc who did it tanks to theire emergency powers this aliance was something that all humans hated and with The powers being returned to The UHF that treaty will be over, and 120 billions of humans will not be imposible in 40 years tanks to The advance in medicine humans will get a larger life ,its said in The lore that spartans could live 300 years and every year become better of course this only aplied to The S-II but they should be able to live (normal humans ) at least 150 years thats without saying that they can expand all they want , but if there is a diference with The halo humanity and The ME humanity is that halo Humanity will never bow down to aliens or be friendly with them only figth together if nessesary while The ME Humanity will let themselfs get raped by any xeno that they see
Huglord chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
For the two Sol systems I would say it was some Foreunner experiment fuckery
Inffected chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
So far so good, i've never really liked fics that give the council races huge tech buffs just for the sake of "making things even" so I'm glad to see you're keeping them in their place for the most part.
There are a few small things from your timeline I want to point out though.
Firstly, it's rather obscure, but In canon the Infinity's sister ship was named Eternity.
Second, I think the population you gave the UHF is a bit much. Adding 85 billion people in 40 years would require a sustained growth of nearly 5% every year for all 40 years. To put that into context, the growth of the US population at the height of the baby boom after ww2 was around 1.7~2% and even then that only lasted around 15 years before dropping back down to normal levels. Maybe lower their population a bit and make a longer time frame?
That's basically all I have for nitpicks besides the occasional misspelled word, you're off to a good start and i look forward to seeing where you take this fic.
DAWNWRIGHTER chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
It was said that humanity during the time of the forerunners were not one singular human species (like now) but was a mix of regular humans, Neanderthals, and other human subspecies, you could try going to "forerunners put them there" but spice it up a little by having those human subspecies being alive and well in the SA. This could in fact give the SA an advantage in intelligence because it was estimated that some sub-species of humans were actually smarter than regular humans back when they were still alive.

Since you did mention that the council was taking the reaper threat more seriously that in canon, maybe they aren't bound by the treaty of farixon (whatever its spelt) and can build hundreds of thousands of ships compared to canon.

Enjoying the story so far! Keep up the good work and the good grammar! Lol
EvilTheLast chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
Good update.
OfficerDonNZ chapter 3 . 12/27/2018
Not bad. The only thing I'll point out about your timeline is that the UNSC had possessed terraforming tech for 163 years before the Covenant War and there is no evidence that the Covenant ever had such technology of their own.
singpu chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
Never buff the council its always a turn off for me in many crossovers
last admiral chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
Will SA meet UNSC? One thing that i sad about ME/halo crossover is that the lack of goverment clash between SA and UEG. Really, the alien should look at them like to side of the coin, one is pacifist democarcy naive xeno-lover faction, another is war-hardend military dictatorship that understandbly over-paranoid and cautious.

And i Agreed with Leon1256, dont buff Council. The only logical advantage the ME had is number if this post-war halo. Even then, UNSC had more experience and culture within their belt more that turian and krogan. UNSC also willing to commit genocide, orbital bombartment and usage of nuke for sake of survival. You can say that UNSC is like Empire from Youjo Senki when it come to commitment for survival unlike Francious which is Council that will no doubt whinning how 'dirty' and evil UNSC were.
BattleUnit3 chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
"You can run! But you will only die tired"- UNSC Captain 2592
I cant wait for the Citadel to realize just how outmatched they are.
EvilTheLast chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
It looks like a good start. I for one, love 'curb stomp' stories. I wan't to see whatever ME race that was involved in this attack think it has a chance to win until they are being massively slaughter by these 'upstart' in space, in the the skies, and on land.
Leon1256 chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
don't buff the council races. This is the one thing that destorys a large number of crossovers in my opinion and its even worst for halo/Me cross overs due to the fact that the UNSC has fought wars that completely out scale any council war. The UNSC won its tech thought luck and never losing hope even when billions and hundreds of worlds had been glassed and destoryed. End war UNSC should be more powerful than the council simply due to the fact that forerunners outmactch the reapers a billion to one in terms of power and the Convent could defeat the reapers with some effort and they are so far below the forerunners its not even funny. Overall you should keep to the canon levels of power for the right time frame. But don't buff the council due to the fact that if you buff them you have to buff the reapers which would have had them destoryed by the forerunners eons ago.
Tdritzman chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
Very good start. It is very well written with few spelling mistakes. I would recommend you buff the citadel races so this story won’t turn into a curb stomp fest since that would be boring. Anyway I look forward to the next chapter.
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