Reviews for Basilisk Eyes
theotheroverlander chapter 147 . 4/14/2020
This fic is amazing! It's actually realistic. I can't wait until the next chapter! When most people write fics about disabilities of any kind, they are nothing like the real thing, This fic makes me feel like I'm actually seeing it from the perspective of a blind person. It gives just enough details to know what is going on with few enough that it seems more in your head what you think it's like, for me at least. It is kind of disorienting to go from that to setting the table. I hope that your headache is getting better.
Target-Run-And-Done chapter 35 . 4/4/2020
Ok this has nothing to do with this fic but every time I read” the center” I think of the The paladin prophecy and it makes me laugh bc in that book the school ended up being evil and I’m thinking that this one hopefully won’t be
mizzrazz72 chapter 147 . 4/3/2020
Septima needs to get over her fears.
iNiGmA chapter 147 . 3/31/2020
“The cold bites and you are like a sun-warmed stone, but softer." — aww this is beautiful and sweet

Such an exciting chapter! Mei to the rescue! :D
Blosiom chapter 147 . 3/29/2020
Great chapter
geekymom chapter 147 . 3/28/2020
Fabulous chapter!
The Blind Apprentice chapter 146 . 3/28/2020
Wow the details in your story. I’ll say again, thoroughly enjoying this story!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/28/2020
Double-dog gone Dumbledore. Harry’s vision probably could have been saved if he’d got Myrna to Mme. Pomfrey right away.
Iniga chapter 147 . 3/28/2020
I have some sympathy for Septima's phobia, and I think a lot of humans would have a hard time offering themselves up as a warming plate for a big group of snakes! And volunteering to strip down and go swimming was a good move. That said, she's been a bit... dramatic and unkind about sentient living beings who are very much on her side. You bring so many interesting characters into this story and I've said it before, but I really enjoy them.
Outofthisworldgal chapter 147 . 3/28/2020
hmm you would think that Mei's magic would be affected too but maybe not as bad since she has her mer-powers well I guess we will see once the cloak is moved huh.
Septima is kind of getting on my nerves with her being scared of snakes issue. She better get over it soon (sigh)
Doomspark Deathfire chapter 146 . 3/25/2020
I've been reading this over the past several days and generally enjoying it.

Hope you can keep up with the chiropractor even through the hunkering down. Headaches like that are no fun.
Lila Dunmare chapter 146 . 3/25/2020
This was quite a long fanfiction but fortunately it was very easy to read. This was very interesting and I am looking forward to reading more of it ! I can't wait to read about Harry's encounter with Sirius ! And Harry doing his third year at Hogwarts !
mizzrazz72 chapter 146 . 3/17/2020
Harry's little friend is doing more that Septima.
Iniga chapter 146 . 3/17/2020
I love that snakes measure in snakes! Of course they do. Best wishes to you and yours in these crazy times.
iNiGmA chapter 146 . 3/17/2020
Oh I got your five snakes long reference and I love it.

Who's skin? — I think this may need to be whose. Double check. But is it Death’s skin? That’s creepy! Ha

“Blasted chaos sticks” — lol!

“Your regret fills the tunnel with sadness.” — oh that’s really nice

Omg a cliffhanger? You left us a cliffhanger! Fine. I wait. :)
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