Reviews for Basilisk Eyes
The One-Eyed Wolf chapter 2 . 1/20/2021
As someone who is at risk for visual impairment, I'm very intrigued.
DarthVader7754 chapter 157 . 1/11/2021
Woah! I haven’t been with this story for two years but I found it a couple of months ago. Congrats on finishing it! I can’t wait to read the sequel!
emily4498 chapter 154 . 1/7/2021
For those on the fence about this story: READ IT! You won't regret it.
This isn't a social commentary, a 'how to treat people,' or an 'I am furious at the world for offending me' rant. In my experience, stories that include sensitive topics like this one are usually preachy and condescending. This is not like that at all. The author focuses on the story and lets the reader take from the story the real-world applications/connections/comments they want instead of trying to force them to accept the author's desired reality before they can enjoy the story itself.
This is truly a gem in this genre. Every chapter is heavily-laden with character development, plot, and description. The characters truly come alive and one day, I hope I'll be able to write this well someday.
Author, thank you for the effort you have put into writing this and I look forward to reading the rest. :)
Guest chapter 157 . 12/21/2020
I love your work and I hope to see the sequel soon
Harryliada chapter 157 . 12/18/2020
Congratulations from France.
I've very poor english vocabulaire sorry. My studies are very far away.
This story about intégration and how humen thinck and see différences is New and t's a good subject.I hope you'll whrite second part
Keep away Covid
For first Time all the World is united
SeraphimBlue chapter 73 . 12/8/2020
I'm surprised no one has thought of a weighted muggle wet suit for Gordon. it could be spelled to be heavy and then he could just walk around normally
SeraphimBlue chapter 72 . 12/8/2020
I dont know why harry won't just say, "as soon as you send me home, my relatives are going to kill me."
iNiGmA chapter 157 . 12/1/2020
Oh my gosh, it's done! I did not realize you were so close to the end! Huge congrats, and I'm excited for the sequel of course. And this is a lovely conclusion to the first installment. I quite love the idea of Harry enjoying lemon curd and scones and tea while Aunt Petunia and Aunt Marge are both downstairs, being schooled. Thank you for this amazing adventure.
mizzrazz72 chapter 157 . 11/29/2020
Harry shouldn't have to return there anyway.
Starlightvet chapter 157 . 11/27/2020
Thank goodness it isn't over. Maybe since Harry received qualities from both the phoenix and basilisk something to go hand in hand with phoenix sight?
testexample chapter 157 . 11/27/2020
Mona Ogg chapter 157 . 11/26/2020
Congratulations on completing this story! I'm looking forward to the sequel!
Chris PerMow Warner chapter 157 . 11/25/2020
has it really been 2 years? I know I've read this every update since like chapter 30. thank you good sir. this story was one I absolutely looked forward to.
fhl1234 chapter 157 . 11/25/2020
I've really enjoyed this, thanks.
moonstar06 chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Thank you for writing this wonderful story :)
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