Reviews for Basilisk Eyes
DRWPJT chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Another great chapter but uh... I really hope that 'the end' is not true.
cdrsmith chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Love the chapter! Although Professor McGonagall is definitely the right kind of person to deal with Marge and Petunia, I'm still convinced that she's not really adjusting all that well to Harry's new normal. That said, I can't help but hope that the Professor ends up being the one who inflates Aunt Marge because that would be an hilarious twist on the canon scene! And yay for Gemma working out a way that they can keep in touch better! Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next update!
Iniga chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Aww! That ending felt very young!Harry, always with a bit of optimistic mischievousness even when he's stuck in a tough situation. It's so wonderful that Gemma found a way for them to communicate when they aren't together; their very own version of the James/Sirius mirrors. I bet Sirius will be amused one day when he learns of them, assuming he doesn't get killed before he has a chance to get to know Harry.

Ha! That Nio would rather fly in the talons of an owl than take a Portkey. A little less funny that Harry thinks sleeping in a den of literal snakes would be more cozy than the Dursleys' house.

Nice to see a chapter from you, as always. Glad you were able to find a minute to wrap up this part of Harry's journey in the midst of this crazy journey we're all sharing at the moment.
Guest chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
The end?
anorc chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Thank you for writing this.
A very different perspective from a Harry Potter we can all learn something from.
trekkifulron chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
the end?
Blosiom chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Lovely story if you do a sequel can you let us know.
avidnarutofan chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
I'm going to straight up say that I don't know what "Sthei" means.

I do hope Harry uses hissstaff to cast something on Ripper as well as Marge. He can still lose control of his emotions after all.
geekymom chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Fantastic chapter!

I pictured McGonigal's animagus getting the better of Ripper.
TichePotato chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
This felt very abrupt honestly, and I think it's a shame to end it here, in such an unnatural manner.
Outofthisworldgal chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
oh dear Harry that will probably be the understatement of the far McGonagall (Who I might have call a bad word in this chapter) and the Dursleys especially the blood ones will not go over well.
TheMatze99 chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
Thats it? Nothing else? A kinda sudden ending tbh or will there be a sequel?
jengshoun2 chapter 157 . 11/24/2020
short but sweet, this story always amazes me with the way it makes me feel like I'm right there fumbling along with Harry, no sight, no aid and no way to fix it. It can be mind boggling when you feel like you've stumbled when Harry stumbles or when something comes out of nowhere startling Harry. this story has and will always amaze me with that aspect and I feel so much even with the smallest thing in this, that moment when Harry was being dragged by Mcgonagall to the portkey away from Gemma made my heart twist, I really can't wait till they meet back up and to their time in Hogwarts
Smile Giver11 chapter 156 . 11/2/2020
I'm so happy! I got to see my favorite character! I can't wait for the next chapter.
Smile Giver11 chapter 154 . 11/2/2020
Words cannot express the joy that fills me when I read this story. Every sentence is filled with life. Every chapter is a new stepping stone on the path to peace for Harry and his friends. Gemma is my favorite character in all 156 chapters. As someone who has been blind for all twenty-two years of life, I have to tell you that you are doing a marvelous job of capturing what it means to be without sight. Everything makes sense, the assistive magical tools are amazing, and the Center and all the people in it are simply wonderful. You've created something here that will never be matched by anyone, and I just had to thank you for it. Continue being fantastically awesome, and please stay safe. God bless you, Hegemone.
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