Reviews for Basilisk Eyes
naosh-of-muses chapter 4 . 11/1/2020
Keep up the amazing work! This is an interesting fanfic!
iNiGmA chapter 156 . 10/29/2020
Agh poor Harry, it feels so soon for Privet Drive and this is so upsetting. But glad you finally got this chapter out! And I'm so glad Harry got to say goodbye to Gemma — gosh, they're just precious aren't they?
trekkifulron chapter 156 . 10/26/2020
portkey... he's gonna toss his cookies for hours.
testexample chapter 156 . 10/26/2020
Absolutely love this story and its Characters, they all feel so alive. Keep up with the great work and until next chapter.
Alex chapter 156 . 10/25/2020
I really want more! It's so good i can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon again!
Joy chapter 34 . 10/25/2020
Love your story so far. Only on chapter 34, but I just started reading earlier today. Keep up the amazing work!
geekymom chapter 156 . 10/26/2020
Fantastic chapter!
mizzrazz72 chapter 156 . 10/25/2020
Harry really doesn't want to return.
cdrsmith chapter 156 . 10/25/2020
Thanks for the update! These new chapters are something to look forward to in these times of social distancing! This is exactly the kind of upheaval that Harry and his new friends don't need right now and it's going to be interesting to see how they cope. I know Professor McGonagall is still trying to come to terms to Harry's new normal and she's obviously concerned about getting him to safety, but it's a bit of a shame that she was so hesitant to let Harry say goodbye to his friends. I'm glad he got that hug from Gemma, he definitely needed it!
avidnarutofan chapter 156 . 10/25/2020
Given that McGonagall has preconceptions about blindness, I'm wondering how long it will be before either she or Harry blows up? It will be interesting to read.
Outofthisworldgal chapter 156 . 10/25/2020
Harry is going to explode at McGonagoll and I am sure it will be a worthy Rant. I think all the professors need to take a class to deal with students with specials needs before any of them come back to Hogwarts
Iniga chapter 156 . 10/25/2020
McGonagall has a lot to learn, but at least Harry was able to stand firm and get his goodbye with Gemma.

So much has gone wrong magically that I wonder if the portkey will do what they expect.

And poor Sirius... in even more danger than he was the first time around.
GodricGryffindor87 chapter 155 . 10/12/2020
This chapter was great I can't wait until you update next! Harry should also get a cane holster that goes onto a belt so that he can fold up his muggle cane as well when he's not using it.
Iniga chapter 155 . 10/5/2020
Now that's an ending! Duck? Why?!

I enjoyed that you integrated a bit of JKR's backstory for McGonagall, which I thought was very interesting as supplemental pseudo-canon goes. I know that she's currently overprotective of Harry to the point that it's counter-productive, and that is she'd been more involved in the past he wouldn't have suffered so much, but I can't help liking her, flaws and all.
iNiGmA chapter 155 . 10/1/2020
McGonagall needs like a class on how to deal with Harry lol. That’s a fun upgrade with the holster! I just wonder what is going to go terribly wrong in the future that you’re making his invisibility cloak separate and easily available. Lol
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