Reviews for Harry Potter and the Rule of Three
Bronze chapter 7 . 4/17/2022
In regard to the Potions, you can bet anything you want that Good Ole Fumblemort DIDN'T brew any of them himself! No, he'd want a scapegoat, a fall guy to throw to the wolves to protect himself. He sees himself as being too valuable to the magical world. A God above it all directing the actions of all the lesser being below himself. So, most likely he had plans in place that should he ever need to he could throw Severus Snape to the DMLE and/or Wizengamot to take the blame for whatever it was. Though, I think he truly underestimates Snape greatly. My reading on the man is he covers his own ass when it comes to something like this. In other words, he kept notes and anything else needed to make sure he didn't take the fall for anything potions related.
Bronze chapter 6 . 4/17/2022
Having read most of this story before I somehow forgot all about Luna's article in the Quibbler and the shit storm it set off. Good Ole Fumblemort will be damage control as soon as he reads it. That is of course if he gets to read it. I do remember that around this point in time he makes an attempt to force his way into Harry's room and gets his ass handed to him by two soon to be fifth years.
Bronze chapter 5 . 4/17/2022
Damn! I always knew he was a thief! Not to mention a betrayer of anyone he deems to be in his way.
Bronze chapter 4 . 4/17/2022
Well, if there is any money owed for Harry's treatment, they should bill Good Ole Fumblemort. But also have an audit done on every and all Potter vaults. Follow that by an inheritence test to see if Harry might have others that Good Ole Fumblemort could have looted. It would also bring to light if anybody else had been stealing form them as well. I'm sure Madam Bones would have quite a bit to say to Molloy walking through Kings Cross Station breaking the Statute of Secercy in '91. Which I KNOW she was put up to doing by Good Ole Fumblemort personally.
Bronze chapter 3 . 4/17/2022
The one thing that comes to mind right now is from the Bill Cosby movie spoof Lenard Part VI. The line " Kill 'em! Kill 'em all! " in regards to Good Ole Fumblemort. The man's so damn Dark He makes Vulturewurst look like the living embodiment of Light Magic itself! I find myself asking again and again how many members of the Disorder of the Flaming Hemorrhoid as well as the general public would still be alive if Good Ole Fumblemort wasn't InCharge of so much of the magical world? Both magical and mundane. There's just something extremely wrong with someone who is more concerned with saving the lives of Murders, Rapists and Arsonists then the people they attack. But that's exactly what Good Ole Fumblemort is concerned with. That and Hamstringing any investigation into anything he has his dirty little fingers into of course.
Bronze chapter 2 . 4/17/2022
Isn't it amazing just how ignorant even after four years at Hogwash Harry still is about the magical world? It's almost as if someone decided he didn't need to know anything about it. Now who could that possibly be do you think? My money would be on Good Ole Fumblemort. He is after all a meddling controlling old fraud who thinks he knows what's best for everybody in the world. Hell! His own hubris is leading the so-called greatest school in the world to an ever lower and lower level on education. Too bad the staff is too blinded by his so-called greatness to see it.
BCLinguist chapter 1 . 4/17/2022
If someone with the list of injuries Harry possesses wandered into the ER, my first question would be why, in so many years, didn't neither Harry nor his guardians seek treatment. Why did no one else who had administered first aid to Harry ever noticed these injuries and maladaptations? The only conclusion is that someone doesn't want Harry treated, and it would be wise to figure out who that someone is before stepping on their toes.
Bronze chapter 1 . 4/13/2022
Ya, that's a nice thought but Good Ole Fumblemort will never allow Harry to be fully treated. It matters not to him who inflicted these injuries upon Harry, he'll be returned to the Dursleys. Even if it should be proven that Vernon and Dudley Dursley were the ones to do this to him. To Good Ole Fumblemort, it's the safest place for him.
ProfessorXLK chapter 9 . 4/12/2022
Vesp chapter 5 . 4/2/2022
Ciekawie opowiadana historia. Dobra fabuła,postacie. Problem-skoro gobliny wiedzą,ze Dumble nie jest legalnie opiekunem chłopca,dlaczego pozwoliły mu na zabranie rzeczy z jego skarbca?
Guest chapter 19 . 3/17/2022
Just checked your profile and yeah knew this was written by a man.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/16/2022
So it's the middle of the night and as soon as Bones open the will drawer Dumbledore is there? Excuse me if I find that hard to believe, even with magic!
tomascatts chapter 26 . 3/17/2022
Too bad the mob didn't just beat the crap out of Dumbledore. Then he could've spent the next year's in Azkaban knowing how hated he was and that his legacy was shot to hell
tomascatts chapter 23 . 3/17/2022
So guess it doesn't matter the pureblood that was killed escaped from prison and was wearing a death eater uniform.
tomascatts chapter 22 . 3/17/2022
There is no way Dumbledore could monitor all the muggle ways of getting out of Great Britain, even with magic! How many airports are there in England, let Scotland and Wales.
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