Reviews for Running and Hiding
kaijuka chapter 30 . 7/22
loved it.
kaijuka chapter 16 . 7/22
yet again i applaud you for making the characters act like adults. its refreshing in this genre
kaijuka chapter 13 . 7/22
ginny acting like an adult in a harmony fic? who knew? but fr this is a breath of fresh air. so many fics turn ginny into a vindictive bitch, its refreshing to see her acting like an adult. she's obviously hurt, but she's managing to remain civil.
AussieSweet chapter 17 . 7/7
I actually like this version of Ron and Lavender. Ron is still in character because of his temper but also not that nasty thoughtless jealous boy anymore. And Lavender is not vain and shallow as she is often portrayed.
LAB1 chapter 30 . 5/12
This was a super cute story! I almost wish that there was more Draco! I refuse to read the ending of DH because of the Ginny thing. This story nicely rounded out my feelings with how that relationship would go. Much more believable! It takes an excellent writer to write Ginny positively and JKR wasn't that writer! I also like the idea of Harry with a beard! Sort of averages out his crazy hair!
Denie1943 chapter 30 . 3/31
Excellent story! Thanks for sharing. Stay well!
Denie1943 chapter 14 . 3/30
WiltsRider chapter 30 . 2/12
Thoroughly the interplay of emotion and feelings in the characters. Of all the authors here on fanfic, I think you excel in your descriptive fiction. Thank you for your efforts, I thoroughly enjoyed this story.
articdranzer chapter 20 . 4/27/2023
And that world be a story to read.. James and Lily surviving and being there for Harry..
Jessicaanderic12 chapter 30 . 1/19/2023
A beautiful story
Cmlackey12 chapter 30 . 1/16/2023
Enjoyed the story!
Ashley Booth chapter 30 . 8/5/2022
I needed some sweet Harmonie in my life!
scarlettangel11 chapter 30 . 8/2/2022
Oh goodness okay so I resisted a Harry/Hermione pairing until I read yours. And yours is the only one I will have read and I am a okay. I adore your writing and the story and all the details. Your wrote this story so well and I loved how you involved the malfoys, ron, and lavender. In addition z having Harry be protective of Hermione and vice versa. It was incredibly endearing. Thank you for it
daphnie chapter 16 . 7/23/2022
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like this version of Ginny, Ron and Lavender. So far.
LeoniusDong chapter 30 . 7/23/2022
I really want to know the liitle ones of Harry and Hermione! They had a hard beginning after all!
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