Reviews for Fate
Blocklv55TheBookReader chapter 39 . 3/14/2019
Everything is ramping up, I can't wait to see what happens next!
TheIndianMuggle chapter 38 . 3/14/2019
Wow, resorting? I really wish Ron doesn't get resorted into Gryffindor. But that's a long way away. There are so many things different this year than canon. I can't wait to see how everything comes together. And I think Ron is right. Giving Harry his quidditch privilege would be a really bad move. Harry shouldn't walk away from it all with no consequences.
King Of Crows chapter 38 . 3/14/2019
Wow..Yet another great chapter..

Please don't resort Ron ..
He's way better in Slytherin..
I hate how JK potrayed Slytherin house ..

I know something bad is going to happen..

Waiting eagerly for your next update
A fan...
Guest chapter 38 . 3/14/2019
Olá, este foi um capítulo de preenchimento interessante. Faz pensar possíveis futuros para a história.
Fiquei um pouco decepcionada com a Gina, talvez você a tenha feito "esquecer" e esconder sua ligação com o herdeiro Tom de propósito e se algo acontecer com Ron, ela vai se culpar depois por não ter dito nada e por pegar o diário novamente, mesmo ciente que Tom está obcecado por Ron... No capítulo anterior ,os instintos de Ron não gostaram de se encontrar com Gina sozinho na entrada da Câmara, ela vai capturá-lo, enquanto possuída?
Eu vejo algumas semelhanças entre Walburga Black e Molly Weasley, adoraria ver Sirius falar para os Weasley sobre isso... inclusive o papel passivo do pai, ao permitir as açoēs dela.
Estou curiosa sobre como você lida com as aranhas, já que o enredo mudou. Nunca entendi como foi permitido uma colônia tão grande e perigosa, perto da escola e na batalha futura de Hogwarts elas causam muitas mortes... Mais uma vez, estou fazendo campanha para que o basilisco não seja morto e torne-se um verdadeiro protetor do Castelo... Mas pode me ignorar se quiser, sua escrita é fascinante. Às vezes espero drama e você faz diferente e ainda fica muito bom, fora as pistas que deixa e fico me perguntando como as alterações influenciam o futuro.
Ansiosíssima para saber o final do segundo ano.
Torço para Ron buscar a emancipação a fim de continuar na Sonserina e ser independente, permite que faça magia nas férias...
Imagino a cena nas férias de Ronald, ter uma briga familiar sobre ele continuar ou não na Sonserina e depois de ser machucado mais uma vez pela mãe. Resolve dar um passo sem volta à emancipação e então o rato traidor grifinório foge da prisão ...A família Weasley deve encarar seu preconceito e ver que foi a filha mais nova grifinória que abriu a Câmara e agora o traidor dos Potters, também grifinório pode estar atrás de seu filho que descobriu a traição e salvou á vida de Sírius e seu filho fugiu de casa por que não souberam ver além da escolha de casa de seu filho.
Dumbledore precisa sair do seu pedestal do "bem maior", drogar crianças com balas é assustador.
Draco Malfoy bem que poderia roubar a carta da Molly Weasley e divulgar para casa Sonserina, curiosa sobre suas possíveis reações.
Ron precisa fazer alianças com outros seres mágicos do Castelo, quadros, elfos, centauros, fantasmas... e precisa divulgar para pelo menos Blaise e Theo que é um "vidente", além de aprender oclumência os três. Sou muito FÃ da amizade de Blaise e Ron e o ruivo precisa de mais mentes estratégicas e Astutas ao seu lado.
Dumbledore causa mais problema do que ajuda e espero que Ron não fique preso ao culto ao herói. Matar Voldemort é importante, mas o conflito na Inglaterra bruxa é muito mais complexo e conta com outros personagens perigosos como Lucios Malfoy, Belatrriz Lestrange, Greyrback...e Dumbledore pede demais dos seus aliados sem oferecer quase nada em troca...
Espero que tenha uma boa volta às aulas da Universidade e aguardo animada um próximo capítulo.
d1n0s chapter 38 . 3/13/2019
In a prior chapter, Ron commented that he would like to learn a spell that Madam Pomfrey used, it would be a good skill for him to learn and possibly learning something that heals people would keep him from acting out so violently. (seeing the consequences of actions like doctors and nurses do with hurt patients)
TheIndianMuggle chapter 37 . 3/13/2019
Loved this chapter. I know it's kind of convenient that everything went Ron's way, but I'm just glad the Weasleys are talking again.
As for the updates, I love these quick updates, but it's understandable that you'd put University first. Take your time with the chapters. They are certainly worth the wait.
ObsessedWithRomione chapter 38 . 3/13/2019
That's was a great chapter. I am so glad that Ron and Hermione become friends again. I am waiting for quite a few chapters to have some light moment between the two of them. I love the way, Hermione defending Ron from Harry and Neville. She had done it in the past but made a mistake once but it is nice to have an old Hermione back.

As for the tension between Ron, Harry and Neville I think it gets even more if you planned to make Hermione the victim of the poor Ginny. I don't like Harry's attitude here. He is ignoring everything Ron had done for him just because he can't able to play Quidditch now. I think he is going to suspect Ron even more and more until the end of the year and once he proved wrong(if ever, seeing that he is not aware of any relevant information on chamber), I like to find out how will he react.

I like the scene between Ron and the Greengrass family. I am quite loving the little Astoria.

Why Molly why? I never saw that coming. I just hope the relationship between Ron and his parents will not suffer more and the make a common ground soon. I quite love the Weasleys.
Guest chapter 38 . 3/13/2019
Thanks for the chapter buddy
randver chapter 38 . 3/12/2019
Ah the first chapter in the continuing saga of how Harry became a teenage bully just like dear old Dad. He knows what's best for the friends in his life and nothing they say or do is going to change that. After he pretty much stalked Lily Evans for 6 yrs he got what he wanted. Harry doesn't need quidditch to feel close to dearly departed dad he's the gryffindor bully just like his old man used to be.

I knew that spell was going to bite him in the ass. Keeping things from Daphne makes he very upset but in this instance I kindda think she has every right to be. The petulant child bit about not wanting to learn it after a bit of time had passed was a bit much but the initial feelings of betrayal and hurt were justified. I'm glad Millie and Tracey were a bit more reasonable but then again they don't have this massive crush on ron the way a certain blond does. I'm really rooting for a Ron/Daphne happy ending in this fic. You've made the bossy bitchy know it all almost human and dare I say even likable but her ambitions and Rons would never match up and would strain any relationship they had.

I have to say walking around the castle just at random looking for the entrance isn't the brightest idea when he knows so many important facts already. He hasn't even talked to Hagrid or Myrtle or even the house elves or the ghosts IE anyone who was here the last time the chamber was opened to see if there was any correlations between the locations then vs the locations now. They need to quite being dunderheads and use their cunning.

So another productive family meeting. I'm surprised no one came to blows. Still it was a nice try on Percy's part. I loved the line at the end "I'm tired of apologizing for it" meaning I'm tired of apologizing for being more than any of you ever thought I could be and letting everyone else overshadow me. I am so looking forward to the massive temper fit those people are going to throw if they ever find out about Marty. Percy is the only one who knows just how protective Ron is over his things and the real reason why. The fact that Marty is a living being capable of feeling love and receiving love in return brings Ron's protective side to a whole new level.

The meeting with Dumbeldore was surprising and a missed opportunity to talk about their discoveries. Ron really needs to clue the headmaster in sooner rather than later.

Once again Madam Over Bearing strikes. I really think I'm starting to hate Molly Weasley almost as much as the pink toad and more than the lavender lad menace.
In short the letter of your not doing what We demand of you by staying in obscurity or not becoming what we want you to become so were going to punish you in the most cruel manner possible. The spineless wonder that she's married to is probably the only reason Ron is still allowed to associate with his old friends or the fact that the re-sort didn't happen mid year.

Good deductive reasoning on Lord Greengrass's part but little Astoria knows her sister too well. I like that kid, too bad she ends up with Malfoy. I wonder is she and a de-possed Ginny will ever be friends? They both love picking on their older siblings whom they both adore.

The last part of the story was needed I suppose but I find myself less and less concerned if potter and lard bottom actually live or die in this story. Yes I know Ginny had to reclaim the diary and Harry didn't learn anything that he did in the cannon version so I am kind of excited about were your going with this rather dramatic departure but the bullying harry/neville( James/Sirius reborn) make it difficult to care about them. If Ron actually does wind up in the red and gold hell I hope he beats the crap out of them every single day and looses massive amounts of house points.

Looking forward to the next chapter no matter how long it takes, You comes first. Thanks again for writing this.
kimber chapter 38 . 3/12/2019
I just found your story and it's fantastic, how old is Astoria? Remus will be a teacher? hope to see someone put Molly in his place or Ron to seek to change his legal guardians
Marbbles123 chapter 38 . 3/11/2019
Wow. I did not expect that Molly and Arthur would actually want Ron to be re-sorted. Yes, maybe threaten in the heat of the moment, but not actually think long and hard about it and tell Ron that’s what is happening. I HOPE they change their minds, especially once the Chamber of Secrets is sorted out, but I’m not sure. You have a way of surprising me so I can’t wait to see how it pans out.

I can already see that Harry and Neville are going to find some way to blame Ron for the missing diary. I mean, there’s no way since he can’t get in the Gryffindor common room, but they’ll still blame him somehow. I am just really curious about how Ron will get the diary because Tom was especially interested in Ron.

Can’t wait for the next update!
Starway Man chapter 38 . 3/11/2019
Thanks for the early publication of this chapter, I wasn't expecting it until later. Anyway, nice confrontation between Neville, Harry and Ron - it was good, the way you showed us how those three *totally* don't like each other anymore. Then the way Hermione showed up - she really is the brains of the group, and the Gryffindor boys deserved the chewing out she gave them for being overprotective gits! I'm glad she and Ron are getting along again, anyway.

Hmm, the argument Ron and Daphne had after the Slytherin Seven got together for their meeting - it did show Daphne as somewhat spoiled and immature, but then she is only twelve and used to getting everything she wants...and I liked how Ron is still clueless about girls, ans how he dealt with that encounter with Angelina and Alicia. It's not surprising how those two hated him! Ron using the map and searching for the Chamber was okay, and so was his "Merlin's saggy balls!" crack, but I was somewhat surprised to see Snape and McGonagall acting so friendly - well, it's understandable they'd bond over Lockhart's idiocy, but I still wasn't expecting it! Their rivalry in the books is legendary, after all. I *was* expecting the Weasley family meeting/argument, though - I had a bad feeling that those kids weren't fully done fixing their issues, and I liked how Ron told the others he'd had enough for apologizing that he's a Slytherin...

The next scene with Dumbledore - he drugged Ron *again* with those lemon drops? Aren't there laws against this? The old man really ought to get in trouble for that, somehow! Ginny's POV on things was okay, and I liked how she panicked and decided to get the Diary back, that was very in-character. Ron's encounter with the Greengrass family was pretty good, too - he actually got Daphne's parents to fight, and I especially liked the way he interacted with Astoria, that child's quite the fun character in your story! The dramatic reveals from Molly Weasley's letter was set up very well, too - I wasn't expecting Ron's parents to want him to be re-Sorted, or else get yanked out of the school. Excellent build-up of tension and heartbreak amongst the Slytherin Seven, there!

The final scenes with the Gryffindor Trio was not too bad - I liked how Harry figured out something was off about Ron, and how Neville came up with his plan to use Hermione's desire to do homework against her, that boy definitely has a brain in his head! And too bad how Ginny took the Diary back, but it made me wonder - will Harry and Neville blame Ron for the theft, as well as their trashed dorm room? It wouldn't surprise me...and Harry never once wrote in the Diary Horcrux? Yes, massive change indeed, especially where Hagrid is concerned! Looking forward to what you come up with next, as always.
edd17 chapter 38 . 3/11/2019
I'm sorry for wanting to press you with the update but I really love your story
edd17 chapter 38 . 3/11/2019
What a good chapter I hope to see the reaction of rum by the letter that will be going ask for help to snape or albus? will he escape from his house? Will you ask Pandora for help? I know it's difficult but update soon please
Niel2804 chapter 38 . 3/11/2019
whatttt ? Molly ? really ? i am so speechless that was unexpectedly. What will happen now ?
I am glad that the relationship between weasleys boys are recovered, i really want the twins, harry and neville to experience living within the slytherins. the won't survived for a month especially Neville, i really hate him ergggh...
What will happen next, i can not wait, and i'll be waiting...
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