Reviews for Rosati-Kain
DAS chapter 2 . 5/31/2006
that sch. sounds fun just like my sch. except mine only has to period G. Great story cont. plz
Sutoomu chapter 9 . 10/30/2005
WOOT! Brilliant story, I lvoe it, I love it. It's a fave for sure. I love it! _ Anyways, I'm gonna go read some of your other stories if you have any more -i have yet to check- but i have to do that tommorrow since i stayed up til 1 in the am to finish reading this and im tired now. but its such a good story woot!
um chapter 9 . 2/2/2005
I'm an alum from '01...and that was f* great. I had forgotten how confusing high school at RK was. Especially with Lydon and Joan and Mueller and Judy and Wallace and O'Keefe and Vincella and Kasten running amuck. And the stupid video announcements: *snore*. Oh, and I always wondered about Fr. Nick and his St. Mary's boys, too-what was with that? Thanks for the laugh and the trek down memory lane.
Sarcastic Rogue chapter 2 . 7/10/2004
What about the problem with the bathrooms?

Like girls and boys...?
BrokenpenBleedingLead chapter 9 . 4/24/2003
pretty good
Rei Minomiko chapter 9 . 2/28/2003
i haven't had the chance to read through the entire thing as of now, but i can tell this one's going to be hilarious. i used to go to an exclusive high school .i can just imagine the horror our dear G-boys must be feeling every chapter.
Meirelle chapter 9 . 9/25/2002
My First Impression: "Oh, God. It's a horrible Mary-Sue!"

My Second Impression: "Oh, God. This is funny as hell!"

My Last Impression: "Ahhh, those were the days. It almost makes me miss high school."

Ya know, I went to a catholic high school-co-ed, thank God-and it was frightening. You know, my Sophomore year, someone actually blew up a toilet? Seriously! The guy stole a CO2 cartlidge out of the physics lab and built a bomb and demolished the goddamned thing! If I didn't know Heero was only a fictional character, I would have pinned the blame on him. ~_
Maria Khushrenada chapter 9 . 12/3/2001
Great story, remind me of my own school ( private school, priests, but fortunately not an all girls school ). - If the gundam pilots in my school, it won't be so boring. To Heero : " We can share the joy of hacking and cracking."

I'm looking for the " Rosati Kain : Junior Retreat ". Please write it soon. .
Junsui Chikyuu chapter 9 . 11/1/2001
PLZ write more! I LOVE this SOOOOOO much! Domo Arigoto! Ja Ne!
Jenna D chapter 9 . 10/8/2001
LOL, I love this! I really enjoyed this entire story. It kicks ass. Looking forward to the Retreat. Mwah. ~J~
Amara1 chapter 9 . 9/26/2001
OH my gosh, you rock! I love this! Especially the rules! I am now but a humble (not-so, actually..) fan!


kasugai gummie chapter 9 . 9/25/2001
YATTAAAAAAAAAAA! FINALLY I GET TO READ IT! ... oO;; I don't think Wuffie-chan is going to live through the nights... ::snicker:: XD
Silver Dragonfly chapter 9 . 9/25/2001
*giggle* LOVING IT GIRL! Can't wait for the next 'muse' session on fht sequel..Oo.. and incidents from there Senior Year is a must I think...OO maybe like a Yearbook editon...You got my mind rolling now. TTYLz girl! (((HUGS)))
RebelAngel chapter 8 . 9/23/2001
loved it!
Gothic Valley Girl chapter 9 . 9/21/2001
I loved it! but i'm "sue Dibble". I thought I put that in. Oh well, very very funny. And Junior Retreat? Sounds awesome. Oh god, a cry fest... Poor boys. I can't wait! And when are you posting more of Job Hunt?
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