Reviews for The In-Between
onerandomanimefangirl chapter 5 . 4/29/2019
I absolutely love this chapter. Bakugou has a heart! Your writing is literally the best and it’s so so fun to see each point of view on each side of their fights. I also love hate fight scene. It allows the reader to see and understand bakugous point of view. It’s easier to understand dekus a lot More because character isn’t the super complicated enigma that it is. But you seem to get writing for both of them flawlessly. I swear this is my favorite take on bakugous personality.
straddotv chapter 8 . 4/28/2019
this is so good. I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm dying in anticipation
GuestP chapter 8 . 4/5/2019
Every argument they have with each other is so juicy. Poor Izuku has pent up feelings and Katsuki is a hard ass mother-hugger.

League of villains kidnapped Izuku and Katsuki is worried!~
How will he deal with this traumatic situation?!

Loved this fic, and can't wait for the next chapter!~
Ahmed Samy chapter 8 . 4/4/2019
This is becoming even more beautiful!

Protective Bakugo is best Bakugo T_T
Love how he went from "I dont give a shit about you,Deku!" to "its not like i am doing this for you" to "WHO THE HELL TOUCHED MY DEKU DAMN IT!"

Hope my baby Izuku is alright,wonder what the LoV wants this time...
lovleydragonfly chapter 8 . 4/3/2019
ahhh this is so lovley
Hyperdrive 24 chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
Deku being kidnapped is a common theme with these fanfictions however I always really enjoy them (also in the process of writing one) some fics solve the kidnapping quickly and others take more time, I'm interested to see what the villains will do with Deku. maybe a villain Deku storyline? very interesting. depending on how it's written it could be either a very captivating and nerve wracking switch up. but it's also nice to keep the characters sticking to their guns (but obviously no one comes out unscathed from these kinds of traumatic events) yes I'm interested deeply with how your interpretation of this story plot will play out. Bakugou's reaction is also very good, showing another level of his care for Dek, the boy always needs a bit of a push with emotions doesn't he. it's a shame that Deku seems to have given up on Bakugou as a friend hopefully this changes X
mintfox19 chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
I’m sorry but bizzaro. Also the angst is perfect for Bakugo cuz he sucks at emotions. P.s how long is the fic gonna be
TheSilverHunt3r chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
Saw this coming.
Wonder how Bakugou is going to explain this.
Hoping for some Bakugou and Todoroki team up (and side plot friendship growth).
Kudos. God bless.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
This is so cool. This story inspires me to continue writing:D
NofilKhan chapter 8 . 4/1/2019
oooooooooooooOOooOOIIIOIIOOOOooooooooooooahahhaahahahhHHHHHhhHhhHhhh! This was gold. Absolutely brilliant. Although, you'd think he'd pick up on the "Katsuki" thing earlier, I think he'd be pretty annoyed if Deku called him anything other than Kacchan. Oh man, I love the direction this has taken. The LoV is going to be so, sooooo sorry. That's if they remain alive long enough to be sorry. And Kacchan! He cried! Oh bring it on! Bring on the angst! Bring it! I am ready!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/1/2019
New chapter? Katsuki's POV? Heck yeah!
"Deku was *his* friend more than Icy Hot's", "Their friendship (if it could barely be called that) [...]" - Aw, Katsuki, did you just admit you're sort of friends with Izuku? That's so different from what you had said earlier, that you'd never been or would ever be friends. That's some progress right here!
But... oh, Izuku, Izuku. Firstly, "Supposedly, fighting and not being able to stand each other was a given between siblings" - uh, no? It may happen often but it's not a given. There are lots of people who get along with their siblings just fine. Just look at Iida bros for reference!
Secondly and more importantly, I'm officially angry with Izuku now. How gullible could such a smart kid be is really beyond me. Come on, that blood, dead end AND the All Might figure screamed TRAP! And actually, how the heck didn't fake Deku's weirdness alarm Bakugo sooner? Even if he didn't know about the shape-shifting villain, "Izuku" acted like "he" was high on something, Katsuki should've been more concerned about that xD
I loved the chapter as always and would like to praise your use of phone texts. They were very dynamic, which made them not only easy to read, but also reflecting all that anxious atmosphere.
This story is on my list of favourite fanfiction for each fandom as the number one for Boku no Hero Academia, just so you know . With some fandoms, it's hard to pick just one. This, however, was an easy choice. I'm so glad I found it.
Criticism of the day:
1) I feel like you shouldn't have written "Kacchan" in his POV's narration. It's not neutral, it's a cute childhood nickname.
2) "Love you" and "Love you too" isn't very Japanese. I'd even say it's very Western. Even in my own country we don't really say that too much, and it's in Europe, but Japan? Wouldn't happen in any kind of casual conversation. What I would find more Japanese-like would be, for example:
"Take care!"
"Thanks, I will"
Just saying.
Can't wait to see what happens to our favorite nerdy greenhead!
PS. Thanks again for appreciating my reviews! This really brought a big smile to my face :)
origamishishou chapter 8 . 4/1/2019
Bakugou's thought processes remind me of the game grumps: Mark Zuckerberg tired text conversation.
Feels like he would've reacted more quickly to being called katsuki though. If your friends call you by your middle name all the time then suddenly call you your first name out of the blue it usually feels like something's up.
straddotv chapter 7 . 3/28/2019
this is so gooooooood. don't leave for too long
Windschild8178 chapter 7 . 3/22/2019
This was such a fluffy, heart warming chapter. I really loved reading Izuku's growing admiration and appreciation of Bakugou's humor. It was great to finally see some understanding. Its weird in Cannon to see Deku taking Bakugou's jokes so seriously. Humorous, but still odd. It seems so obvious that Bakugou doesn't actually mean anyone to take him seriously when he screams at the ball or the challenge to die.

I really enjoyed the alternative version of the nightmare. I really think Bakugou's WTF is going on reaction is perfect. His cautious, suspicious attitude was spot on and brilliant.

And Izuku throwing Kacchan under the bus when it came to tickling was such a brilliant way to demonstrate their growing understanding and (somewhat) friendship. I really enjoyed that.

Seeing Bakugou's protective side here was a really amazing way to end the chapter. Thank you for such hard work and dedication with this piece! I look forward to reading more! -Windy
Guest chapter 7 . 3/21/2019
I only ever visit as a guest so of course I don't expect any direct response. It was a very pleasant surprise to find one in the AN. I assumed it was directed at me when I saw no other guests in the review section. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness!
Well, guess what - I ended up checking for updates every day again. Can't help it, you got me real hooked.
This time I even took notes while reading in order to write a nice and organized review.
I love how in every chapter there is quite a lot of character analysis. I agree with Izuku on Katsuki's good sides. I find him extremely funny too.
I admire Izuku's resolve to keep being Katsuki's friend and reconcile with him. That's something I lacked at his age and have regretted my decision to cut all ties with my former best friend ever since. They say it's good to be able to walk away from a bad relationship but I experienced on my own skin that it doesn't always make you happy.
It's also nice to see Izuku's maturing view on their relationship. I can see he's already come a long way since chapter 1.
As for tickling Bakugo scene - I wish we could see it in the canon as omake/OVA. I've decided I need it in my life.
There's a mistake in the birthday party scene: it was Sato who had made the cake, not Sero.
Good to see a big move in the plot. I think you really chose a perfect moment to do it. Things are getting intense.
At first, I thought "Nah, I think Izuku would tell All Might about something like this". But then as I kept reading, I realized the poor boy is not being rational. He's so scared! Can't blame him for it but I'm definitely with Katsuki on this - they should just tell All Might or Aizawa and Izuku should stay put. At least now he's not going alone...
I'm more than happy to see more of Protective Bakugo in future chapters. And of course, looking forward to reading his POV sometime soon (though I suppose the current events call mostly for Midoriya's POV and I do enjoy it, too).
If reviews from readers bring you joy and motivation, I'll keep writing them! Sorry if this one turned out too long, haha.
Until the next time!
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