Reviews for The Heart's True Home
Guest chapter 10 . 7/30/2018
I love how Elrond, Thranduil and Elowen are the captains of the Valia and Legolas ship!
Ivory chapter 16 . 11/12/2017
You have made me deliriously happy just before an exam of all things. Thank you very much for your writing and God bless :)
firerosedreamer67 chapter 16 . 6/22/2017
I love happy endings...and this one was really worked for!...But love prevailed as it should! ...Thank You!
Arwan chapter 15 . 3/26/2016
everyone do you know this story and its previous story never ceases to bring tears and amaze me...i love the two stories and they are the best stories i have read on this website
Arwan chapter 16 . 3/17/2016
I am reviewing fwor the whole story...Awwwwwwww the best story I ever read in this and the other story "Shadows of the Past".I love the two stories and i was squealing with was EPIC!
Baby doll chapter 16 . 4/8/2014
Too amazing...
Guest chapter 16 . 1/30/2014
This was truly beautiful. A pleasure to read.
thetinroof chapter 16 . 12/7/2013
You have written such an amazing story. I couldn't stop smiling during the last few chapters. Thank you :)
Larisya chapter 16 . 9/18/2013
Amazing... Thanks!
octocelot chapter 16 . 9/9/2012
I was absolutely hooked when I started reading. I had read past midnight and for a huge chunk of my morning and afternoon! Thankfully, it is a Sunday today.

I loved your story, and though I am happy I finally got to find what happened in the end, I am sad it is over. :(
SMOKEY96 chapter 2 . 3/29/2012
I find it very disturbing that she feels pain when she finds out about the Legolas being betrothed to that other elf. She had her chance and YEARS to take the chance to be his. But no she stays away which results pain to her and him. After everything that has happened, I wondered when she would grow some neurons in her brain and get over the past.
Glory Bee chapter 16 . 2/23/2012
A very fitting title to this sequel and I thank you for such an intriguing story and beautiful ending. :)
GwenElfy Greenleaf chapter 16 . 7/20/2011
Again, I congratulate you. You managed to create yet another novel-quality story, and (in my opinion) a good novel, too. Though there still were several simple grammatical and spelling errors, (though I suppose that's normal, we all make them) this fanfiction brought the story to a fantastic close. It suits the story, bringing it to a clos that was not to easy, and not to difficult, rather like life. It is realistically rare that all odds are either in a person's favor or against a person, and this story reflects that brilliantly. Stories where everything goes wrong tend to be boring, and stories where everything goes right, even if the conflict doesn't, are just pointless. You wove fantastic plots for your two Legolas fanfictions, and you kept me, at least, on my seat, and I found it difficult to stop reading, a sign of a really good book. Even though this wasn't a book. But it could be, i think, except it's got all the copyright stuff :p.

One thing I noticed, though you probably don't act upon reviews on a story from 03 (I don't even know if you can edit past postings :[) is that you occasionally wrote the same word twice, in the same context, within the same sentence or in adjoining sentences. It didn't matter much in the grand scheme (this story is most definitely grand) of things, it caused me, if only me, a slight irritation for lack of different words. But such things don't really mar the quality of these stories for long, and except for those few spots, you continue to create vibrant, detailed pictures in my mind of what is going on in the story. Thank you for writing this! I still haven't found a Lord of the Rings fanfiction story (the only ones I currently read, though i also enjoy Harry Potter and Labyrinth, so I may read your stories under those categories. I am only halfway through The Silmarillion currently, so I cannot yet read you ff about that) that surpasses r even matches the quality of writing in this one.

my email, just in case, though I do not expect one, don't worry: Yes, I know that his age is certainly not 2931 in the LotR, it is associated with him nonetheless, and there is no definite age for him found in the books. Please continue to write, or begin again if you have stopped!

~Elfy Greenleaf
Kiiimberly chapter 16 . 6/15/2011
Thank you so much. I loved reading both stories. I admit, when I began reading the first, I wasn't sure if I would continue. There are a few gramatical and word choice mistakes that are present throughout both stories; however, both were great and enjoyable to read :) Thanks again!
Kiiimberly chapter 15 . 6/15/2011
Loved this chapter!
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