Reviews for The Heart's True Home |
Katie chapter 1 . 5/4/2003 Yeah I was hooked before but now? This is going to be pure torure. I'm tempted to shut my computer down until I can just read all of it at once. I'm already craving the next chapter. Perhaps I just read wrong, but would it be possiable to maybe mark the flashbacks with something else? When you flashed to when Val went to Sil's wedding, I thought I was reading the current time when she was going after so long. Could just be me, either way I can not wait to read the next chapter. Keep up the good work |
Teilin chapter 1 . 5/1/2003 I just finished reading the first story, and now I'm on to this. You're are such a great writer! As in have you ever considered proffesional writing? Tell me when you publish your first book! lol, but no doubt this story wont dissapoint, it's allready turning out to me great! i can't wait until your next chapter comes out, please email me when it does! Shannon |
JnJ Wegner chapter 1 . 4/30/2003 I am so sad .. he is betrothed .. boo ... *sniff* I really wanted them together .. oh well .. you are a great writer, so I will read it anyways .. but I 'll be sad ! |
Kyma chapter 1 . 4/30/2003 aw.. silma, this is sad and angstful.. I really love your writing, its great. Good job. Can't wait til the next chapter. Kyma |
midnight-star13 chapter 1 . 4/30/2003 wow! i'm really excited! you definitely have made an interesting first chapter! can't wait till the next chapter is up. if its not too much trouble i would like to be added to the 'email when next chapter comes up' list. thanx midnight-star |
Fadesintothewest chapter 1 . 4/29/2003 Well done, except I I have a wee bit of a question, or what seems to be a big contradiction in the story. How can Valia consider even marrying Glorfindel but is so cold towards Legolas, it doesn't fit with everything you have built up about her character. It seems out-of-character, Valia has rejected all suitors, rejects companionship in general. That part didn't flow and as I read it I was like wait, that goes against everything you have developed about Valia. I hope this story won't be too angsty. You write too well to fall into the Mary Sue trappings of the extremes- loving Legolas but totally rejecting him and being the total ice queen-again. You had done such a nice job of building the repetoire between them in Shadow of the Past. Maybe its because I am older and certain things in life don't phase me, but Valia not being able to bear him children should not be a continued impediment to their happiness. Maybe an initial shock, but Elves are immortal, Thranduil thrives, and they would not understand such things as mortals do, and a need for an heir is arguable amongst elves. The shock of not being able to have a baby would not be the same for elves as they are immortal and are now in Valinor, protected from the evils that assaulted them on middle earth. Their fate is tied to the fate of Arda, that is if Arda goes, so do the elves. In essence Valia and Leggie could live happily with family and friends till the end of Arda, and then who knows! As for Legolas promising only to wait what was it a century? So I assume he has moved on. Personally I would have moved on too after the way she treated him at Silia's wedding. If he is still the sappy broken hearted Prince, I would be hugely dissapointed, but your writing clearly indicates to me that you could create something marvelous, and unexpected. I have read your reviews and acknowledge that many totally love your writing as do I, but I want to push you further. You really are a great writer, and I think this story can push that. Hopefully it won't be a repeat of the last- Valia is ice cold, and Legolas tries to win her heart yet again. Elves do eventually die from heartbreak so it would seem a little too much to have Leggie go through a lot of angst again. Maybe this time it is Valia who is in Legolas'shoes? It would make more sense as part of a continuing story flow and character development, showing growth in her character. Keep up the great writing, and hope you don't mind my suggestions. Please e-mail me with your updates of this story! |
MyNameIsNotSky chapter 1 . 4/29/2003 sob, what has happened? what has happened? wah! |
DaveRocks chapter 1 . 4/28/2003 Wow...I can already see that this is going to be another phenomenal story. You truly have a gift. One thing I was wondering about though? Is Laiquarille in an evergreen forest? The story says that the trees didn't turn colors for autumn, but I recall Legolas saying that it snowed often in his home in the previous story. That was just a tiny bit of info that caught my attention. Thanks...can't wait for the new chapters! But take your time; it's better for you to be happy with what you have created than to hurry for the sake of others. Good luck! |
Black Jaguar12 chapter 1 . 4/28/2003 Just as good as usual. It's so great to br reading your story again. Keep it up. I love how the flashbacks keep us up to date on what has happened. Very mean tricks your playing on us though. ;) Legolas betrothed? But to whom? I have wierd feeling in my gut... And Glorfy? And legolas and Valia's relationship? (I feel like a smeak previews announcer.) Dun dun DUN! caoi |
Dust in the Wind chapter 1 . 4/28/2003 good chapter, please keep going. nightshade. |
Zeriae chapter 1 . 4/28/2003 love it! absolutely love it! i know you said you would be taking your time but do you really wish to lose readers due to dying of curiosity? im sure youdont, so could you possibly hurry w/ all your power. am also slightly confused. shes goign back to mirkwood now for legolas's wedding right. when she left before was 399 yrs ago, correct? wonderful story!cept one thing, when you talk about the reins of a bridle it is 'reins'. you have been spelling it, 'reigns' as in what a king would do. hope you dont mind the correction. thanks! |
WyldeKat chapter 1 . 4/28/2003 Wow! Thats all I can say about all of your stories. They are so beautifully written! I'm so glad you managed to post a sequel so soon, and I hope you can keep us all happy by updating as soon as possible. Can't help but notice that your story is Romance/Angst. God, what are you trying to do to us? They have to get together! And Legolas is engaged? Damn girl! Didn't see that one coming. Well, I hope you can get another chapter up soon so we can all be appeased...for a while anyway! lol Blessed be WyldeKat |
nevvy chapter 1 . 4/27/2003 AHH! Holy gravy that was crazy! and so good! You took my breath alway SEVERAL times, not to mention that bombshell of Legolas being engaged. Needless to say I was jumping for joy at the mention of longer chapters (your writing has always been absolutly fantastic!) hmm, does that mean it'll be a longer story as well? o, those flashbacks were fabulous! Poor tortured Valia, but it's not Legolas' fault that he's absolutly ga-ga over her _~ o I can't wait to read what happens next! And more info on this 'girl-betrothed-to-Legolas'! For a moment I thought that VALIA was the betrothed, but she didn't know it (like Legolas was going to propose to her in front of the kingdom). Obviously, THAT didn't happened, lol. Not to mention, it would go against what Elrond said about Legolas not being present during Valia's stay. I was practically pulling my hair out hoping to see if you gave us some. Oh well... now I need to buy a wig... _~ jk. How wierd though, Valia and Glorfindel are going to congratulate? (must reread chapter _~) the happy couple on the behalf of Earsilme? Shouldn't the groom-to-be be there as well? Oh well, I'm a little confused... Well, update this terrific fic soon! Else, I'll be forced to protest outside your window! _~ jk |
Galorin chapter 1 . 4/27/2003 You are setting this story up to be just as incredible and emotional as its predecessor, I am so excited to read more! The very end where Valia leaves Laiquarille before dawn and doesn't think Silia and Isondil will even notice was SO sad...I must admit...I sniffled a little then. Your transitions from flashback to present day are very smooth, not awkward at all, very well done. This is going to be awesome, thank you for writing this sequel! |
Danfred chapter 1 . 4/27/2003 Aww... *sniff* no fair. Legolas HAS to marry Valia! *gets suspisious* Legolas' soon-to-be-wife IS someone other than Valia right? This isn't just a set up to get Valia to the ceremony, right? Hmm... *wanders off muttering about conspiracies* |