Reviews for A Better Path
GBLplays chapter 8 . 9/10/2024
I'll be honest, I came from your other story (Hebi-Hime), I love your writing style and your plot structure, and while I don't want to leave a comment just criticizing for the sake of it, I still feel that leaving my opinion here is something I need.
In this case, my opinion is that swapping the genders of Shikamaru, Sasuke and Kiba is not necessarily a bad thing, it is something that makes sense in a harem story, but I do not agree with the reason you used as justification for the gender swap, the reason being that the interaction between Kiba, Shikamaru and Sasuke would not be as interesting if they were guys, I personally think this is meme, after all not everything has to be romance or involve boy/girl situations, two guys can have a healthy relationship of friends/rivals/acquaintances, that is interesting and relevant to the plot, after all until this chapter the story went more towards the Gen side than towards romance, so not necessarily all of his interactions have to be with a girl, and it is not a rule that for an interaction to be interesting there has to be romance (or the possibility of romance) or be between the main character and a girl...
Of course, this is all just my personal opinion and irrelevant to the story itself (after all, as you know, I said the story already has, currently, more than 30 chapters, so it really doesn't make any difference...), haha!
Brian chapter 8 . 7/21/2024
I will admit that I strongly dislike swapping of ANY kind,gender or skin color. But yeah it’s your story so let’s see where this goes. Two stipulation I will give . Absolutely NO Naruto x Sakura! And NO Uchiha x Uzumaki either! NONE! Either of those comes up in the story and I am DONE! Clear? I do not badger people I will leave peacefully but I just wanted to be sure my views were transmitted clearly.
Brian chapter 7 . 7/21/2024
Since Naruto has gone over clan powers now,does this mean that he will discover his own? Like wood and chakra chains? It’s a good build up to that. And since Naruto is a descendant of Uzumaki and Senju it makes sense for him to get those powers. When will Naruto meet Kurama? I love the big furball and want to see how you handle him.
Brian chapter 6 . 7/21/2024
No worries here especially since you stated that you are giving Naruto a harem. Just as long as Anko is in the harem I will have no problems with it. As long as we are on the subject,can we have all four of the ice queens ( Anko, Yugao, Hanna, Kurenai) into the harem? Very few stories do that so if you would include them in the harem it would please me greatly.
Brian chapter 4 . 7/21/2024
This is very interesting. I do like the OC in the librarian and hope she sticks to the support character. The big reason I clicked on this story is Anko. Specifically Anko x Naruto. I love Anko and I believe that she is the best love interest for Naruto. Both Anko and Naruto are outcasts, hated by Konoha for events beyond their control. Both are passionate and impulsive and fun loving people. Both are named after food. They belong together. Hinata is a good character but has very little chemistry with Naruto.
Bluenait chapter 5 . 2/25/2024
yeahh i drop it here i mean fuck the Village get strong for yourself not for that shithole.
well fuck this shit i am out
AstralGemini chapter 31 . 1/19/2024
bibink729 chapter 1 . 12/18/2023
androxtempest chapter 32 . 10/10/2023
This was a pretty damn good story i wish to see more of this in the future
TheElementalKing chapter 32 . 8/27/2023
I wish this continued
Vishw chapter 17 . 4/5/2023
This was pretty much a rehash of the canon. Except for Sasuke being female and Sakura being a bit more friendly towards Naruto, not much difference. I'm gonna read one more chapter and if things still stay the same, gonna skip the rest...
Vishw chapter 16 . 4/5/2023
Naruto getting chakra exhaustion after only a couple of fights where none of them went all out is simply not possible.
Vishw chapter 13 . 4/3/2023
So am I to believe that from all his longtime friends Naruto has only bothered to take Choji to Ichiraku's and never bothered to invite any of the girls?! Why exactly would he do such a thing?! Hinata especially should feel insulted by this, being his oldest and (arguably) closest (girl)friend!
Vishw chapter 12 . 4/3/2023
Err... "up until recently he had no friends"?! What?! Naruto has known Amagi and Hinata for 7 years, that's over half his life, and the rest he's known for 5 years, so how can he even think such nonsense?!

And why didn't he use shadow clones against Mizuki?! Underestimating an unknown enemy wasn't a very smart move...
Vishw chapter 7 . 4/2/2023
This story was going well until Hinata was introduced. That whole NaruHina flashback felt rather cringe-worthy, well most of Naruto's dialog at least. What 5-year-old spouts such stuff?! And as far as I remember Hinata wasn't treated this badly at such a young age, especially when her mother was alive. So the whole thing felt forced and unconvincing...
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