Reviews for Imperator: Filii Deorum
ArduinoRoxx chapter 26 . 2/8
Maybe annabeth should get off her high horse when her camp doesn’t even have adults while the Roman camp has generations of families living there.
ArduinoRoxx chapter 25 . 2/8
Man annabeth keeps on getting more annoying. Really? Imposing your culture on others now?
ArduinoRoxx chapter 23 . 2/8
Man the fight was disappointing. Orthys and polybotes fights were so much better.
ArduinoRoxx chapter 15 . 2/7
Finally Annabeth gets the gravity of the situation.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/5
Chapter 15 is a masterpiece and Annabitch needs to idk go trip over a Lego
ArduinoRoxx chapter 11 . 2/7
Ngl annabeth is really annoying me rn
thingsandstuff13 chapter 9 . 1/28
Really enjoyed this entire arc. Especially Percy being a BAMF and getting the recognition he deserves. Was awesome. 7/7
CyanCliff chapter 10 . 12/1/2024
Guest chapter 28 . 9/10/2024
I must be honest. You're a damn good writer. This work is a piece of art. I hope there's. Ore of where this came from
Robotdocter chapter 27 . 7/31/2024
man i loved these stories lol
the first one had a bit of a power issue obv but the story and changes you made to canon more than made up for any complaints i had, especially Octavian being somehow REDEEMED? i hate that guy normally but you somehow made me really want him to live XD
Robotdocter chapter 11 . 7/31/2024
Leo putting 5 feet in his mouth is expected but also dear gods is he being an even bigger moron here than i remember lol
really hope those Eidolons dont try anything stupid, especially since Octavian took his oath
SleepyDeprived chapter 26 . 4/22/2024
Hiya, just wondering about Interbellum. Although it you do respond to this I probably won't see it .-.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/21/2024
I like this
Elbozo chapter 22 . 4/17/2024
Elbozo chapter 15 . 4/17/2024
this is rlly good. i dont like andy tho. lol.
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