Reviews for Son of the dragon gods
OechsnerC chapter 54 . 27m
Awesome update. Really looking forward to seeing more of the fight. Wonder what move issei will do.
Kitsuneforlife0 chapter 54 . 18h
i love the story but i feel like its. well just all over the place now im personally losing the will to read this and ive reread tbis multiple times because i really enjoyed it but this latest chaper took all that energy out of me. hope your successful in you endeavors ill provide a better review at some later point unless i forget
RonaldM40196867 chapter 54 . 1/30
Renekton is fun.


I like your passion.
danlocke7 chapter 8 . 1/18
My guess for who you used as inspiration/influence for Issei’s dragon form is Alduin
DarkLordRum34 chapter 40 . 1/17
Ehh i would have whiped him out Rizer don’t deserve
ItzJoe chapter 41 . 12/30/2024
now i remember why i dropped this, i cant stand that you just replaced issei with matsuda, so cheap!
Dakota chapter 53 . 12/22/2024
Idk y u made issei seem weak in these last chapters all he has to do is go full power like u said in earlier chapters that he can use it for an hour then make him use his fire or lightning to obliterate that crock guy then deal with the others! Oh and he could have gave a roar to call his parents to help it would have been easy to solve all of this!
OechsnerC chapter 53 . 12/20/2024
Awesome update.
Church21 chapter 53 . 12/19/2024
So many great story ideas ruined by having Issei as the MC. Really its a great idea and i like your writing but no matter how OC you make him Issei will always be the idiotic boob dragon to me. Really wish you’d have gone with an OC MC not named Issei
jsndncnt chapter 53 . 12/18/2024
thanks for the update dude
RonaldM40196867 chapter 53 . 12/18/2024
I love explosions.

Good start.
aresstorm98 chapter 53 . 12/17/2024
Finish this fight first
cobin.michael chapter 53 . 12/17/2024
Merry Christmas to you. Why should you care if your readers are unhappy if there is some time between updates? We should be happy you update at all.
hayden515 chapter 15 . 12/7/2024
are you stupid or something issei could have just called Baraqiel to ask if they are rogues not only that i never liked that shes willing to throw asias life away regardless it seemed all she was waiting for was for her to die and bring her back as a devil
Guest chapter 52 . 11/17/2024
I can't wait for the next chapter
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