Reviews for Legacy, What Is A Legacy? |
Nom nom fish chapter 5 . 4/7/2019 This was so good! Thank yooou. (And I completely agree, Dex is definitely under-appreciated for his amazing cinnamon-roll-ness) |
Nom nom fish chapter 3 . 4/7/2019 What’s your name, man? ALEXANDER HAMILTON! Yay! Thank you for updating! And.. am I going the only one who thought that Blur could maybe be Lee? Because Hamilton? I may be a little bit too obsessed. Nah. Teach me how to say goodbye... *runs away singing Hamilton because I’m a very awkward potato* |
Nom nom fish chapter 2 . 4/7/2019 Sofie is unmatchable... so... will she never be satisfied? (I will never be satisfied, maybe that’s why I introduce him to Eliza, now that’s his bride... nice going Anjelica, he was right, you will never be satisfieeeddddd... *continues to sing Hamilton for the rest of their days...*) Hamilton aside, this is an amazing story! Sorry, I don’t have an account, so I can’t favorite your story! (Arg now I have ‘Who lives, who dies, who tells your story’ stuck in my head. Whelp. I guess the only logical reaction would be to listen to the whole soundtrack of Hamilton again... byeee!) |
Nom nom fish chapter 1 . 4/7/2019 Ahhh I just realized the title was a Hamilton reference! Legacy... WHAT is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you will never get to see... |
stargirl020 chapter 5 . 4/6/2019 Yep, that’s me! You’re Inlovewithmallowmelt on there, right? I love your FedEx story! Nice chapter! I loved Ritz Cracker xD Why, oh why must you leave us with a cliffhanger? WHY? |
logan.record chapter 5 . 4/6/2019 The ritz cracker part CRACKED me up! |
Wonderland A.K.A. Cay-Cay chapter 5 . 4/5/2019 Guess it’s the end of the chain of song lyrics… SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ SOPHITZ … *trying not to laugh* R-ritz cra-crackers…? (Wait for it… lol) Hahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaba dkebdkshskabksbadksbskdbslsbksbslsbfjwbkdsbkdbskd Tsk, tsk Elwin (jk). OH MY GOSH. YOU DID NOT. DONT LEAVE US HERE! PLEZ NOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU! You’re an evil author. *pouts in the corner* Hope you can handle my weirdness… yeah, that’s a strange word. Umm… great chapter! And I’ll wait for it to be updated. Yeah oki bye… |
DangerousPie1 chapter 5 . 4/5/2019 I can’t wait for more SoKeefe! And so far, the plot is awesome! |
Guest chapter 4 . 3/30/2019 Seriously! You stopped right there! |
L chapter 4 . 3/29/2019 Actually, I don't mind Dexella. I think as long as Dex doesn't end up with Linh, I'm fine with the other two options. And of course, Keefe was awesome in this chapter! Thank you for letting us know that Fitz want find out yet. Anyway, I'll look forward to the next chapter! |
Wonderland A.K.A. Cay-Cay chapter 4 . 3/30/2019 I catch a glimpse of the other side. Laurens leads a soldiers’ chorus on the other side. My son is on the other side! He’s with my mother on the other side. Washington is watching from the other side. Teach me how to say goodbye… I put all of that cause it all flows together nicely… and it’s a good part. “Important questions”. Wow Dex. At least someone does appreciate him. Finally. Dexella isn’t that bad. I’m inbetween Dexella, Dihn, and Diana. Although I do also ship Bam and Wylihn or however you say/spell it. Obviously you tripped. Sophie, will you ever learn to take it easy cause you’re so clumsy? Idk much, it means more Fitz catching you! I do care when it’s keege though… *goes and pouts in the corner* Yes Dex, please do try doing that. And *shakes head* classic Sophie Foster. Totally not based on people when we’re doing homework… so Elvin homework is just as bad as our homework… she’s got an iPod, not Pad, so actually it’s a bigger version of her iPod… oh my gosh, I’m being smart! Haha… Fitzy’s coming. I don’t think there were any Hamilton references in here… also, it’s a theory I have come up with after reading one of flustere dreams’ fanfictions. I hope I used the right grammar for that sentence… this is your longest chapter! And maybe my longest review on this fanfic. AND THERE’S A MILLION THINGS I HAVEN’T DONE! BUT JUST YOU WAIT, JUST YOU *sharply turns head and looks to the side* WAIT! |
logan.record chapter 4 . 3/30/2019 RIP me. The cliffes kill me. But good job. |
Guest chapter 4 . 3/29/2019 No! Sophitz 4 Life! |
Undecided13 chapter 4 . 3/29/2019 *reads halfway through the chapter and chuckles* Aaaaaaaaaaaaand cue the sleepover cliché. But I'm not holding it against you! Knowing you, you're gonna take this whole sleepover thing to a whole new level. Also, you'll be seeing Hamilton before me! Let me know how it goes after you see it in June. I'll most likely end up seeing Dear Evan Hansen either way though, bc I think the tickets are less expensive . . . But enough about me! Great chapter! I can't wait for the next one! Keep on writing! |
stargirl020 chapter 4 . 3/29/2019 This was good! Great job! |