Reviews for Legacy, What Is A Legacy?
DangerousPie1 chapter 8 . 5/3/2019
I loved this chapter! I quite literally squealed reading this chapter (SoKeefe!) and now my friend is asking if I’m okay. I am most definitely NOT.
DangerousPie1 chapter 7 . 4/25/2019
No! Not another cliffhanger! You’re a great writer. (:
L chapter 7 . 4/25/2019
Oh no! What hit Sophie?! And I honestly thought it was going to be the Neverseen, I was just hoping it wasn't.

Anyway, I'll look forward to the next chapter!
HedwigIggyLover1214 chapter 7 . 4/25/2019

Look, I LOVE this series, it's really great! But SERIOUSLY?! Did you have to do that?!

Gisela must have hurt her, so 1), her leg is injured, and 2), her concentration is broke SO WILL SHE FADE AWAY?! Even if she doesn't, will... ugh I don't even know! What's wrong with her leg?!

Anyways, thanks for the update and please plan to update soon! :)
Wonderland A.K.A. Cay-Cay chapter 7 . 4/25/2019
Omigod. You did not just end it that way. No way in freaking heck. Nope.

Lol chicken part.

Ooh, so it’s Gisela?

No! Dang concentration. Dang leg. Dang Gisela. Dang need for concentration. Dang dis world. Dang authors evil imagination. Dddddaaaannnnngggggggggg.

Risk it all… for Fitz. Jeez guys, she just wants to fit in for once. Cut her some slack. Besides, she’s been wanting to know for a while.

Ok bye now! Till the next update!
Wonderland A.K.A. Cay-Cay chapter 6 . 4/25/2019
Ok, sorry I didnt review earlier, you updated really fast or I didn’t see the update. I’m not sure I’m so sorry!

Anyways… about that ending. I soooooo saw it coming. I knew it! And yea, Ritz Crackers! I’mma start something to copy and paste for Kotlc lovers: "Ritz Crackers For Life!" Or "Re-post this is Ritz Crackers are awesome (Kotlc readers, get the joke?)" or something like that. Check my profile soon or something.

I wonder who it was though… although that seemed pretty fishy from the start. Like, Sophie, how did you NOT see that coming? I mean, come on Sophie! You’re smarter than that!

Btw, Dex (loved how he was included a lot in this chapter), Alchemy does suck. You’re just naturally good at it. Alas, Sophie, tricks like that won’t work on Elves.

Altihht, bye! (Imma go review the next chapter.)
Guest chapter 6 . 4/22/2019
What? NOOOOO the cliffhangers
Great story
Plz update soon!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/17/2019
SERIOUSLY! You had to do that?!
L chapter 6 . 4/14/2019
Ohh, you get to see Wicked! I really want to see it... Gah! I knew it wasn't Mr. Forkle! I'm guessing it's Neverseen, but hoping that it's literally anyone else!

Anyway, I'll look forward to the next chapter!
L chapter 5 . 4/14/2019
I love garlic, but even I wood think it's gross on the locker! You know, I actually think that Sokeefe is definetly more likely after Fitz's and Sophie got together. I mean, in a series wear romantic drama is such a big part, there's no way it could work out like that, with two books left. And Fitz Vacker rimes with Ritz Crackers!

Anyway, I'll look forward to the next chapter!
HedwigIggyLover1214 chapter 6 . 4/14/2019
AHHHH! Is the voice Brant? Or maybe Fintan? (Idk how to spell his name) I'm SO curious! CANNOT wait for the next chapter!
DangerousPie1 chapter 6 . 4/13/2019
Nooo! I hate cliffhangers! But this was a great chapter.
Glitterbutt23 chapter 2 . 4/13/2019
stargirl020 chapter 6 . 4/13/2019
It’s your spring break? Cool, my spring break is this week too! Except I have homework... Seriously, what teacher gives homework over spring break?
Great chapter, except for the CLIFFHANGER. AGAIN. WHY MUST YOU TORTURE US?!
LunaLovegood397 chapter 1 . 4/12/2019
This is such a great story! You are a very talented writer.
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