Reviews for Fox in the Leaf
TempestTirane chapter 27 . 7/17/2019
thanks for the second part of the chapter. I feel sorry for Naruto, but it was the guys fualt for being stupid and not listening to him. I can't wait to read more. keep up the excellent work.
SkylerHollow chapter 27 . 7/17/2019
Thanks for the chapter.
Aclux chapter 27 . 7/17/2019
the torture of Yoroi ... so sweet and so wonderful, for Sakura's struggle he manages to equalize ... sublime and at least in this is in some stories he keeps a pride from Kunoichi. For Sasuke I hope that when his fight comes he will be doctored, destroyed, humiliated, shameless, reduced to a laughing stock for the public so his "stick in the ass" will be downsized. Keep it up, man, you're doing great
Seros109 chapter 27 . 7/17/2019
Ein gutes Kapitel, arme Ino. Ich kann ihre Panik verstehen. Traumata können einen sehr stark blockieren.

Wird das Geschenk Ino und Naruto wieder näher zu einander bringen?

Hast ein richtig gutes Kapitel geliefert, mach weiter so

Google translation

A good chapter, poor Ino. I can understand her panic. Traumas can block you very much.

Will the gift bring Ino and Naruto closer again?

Have delivered a really good chapter, keep it up
Entomoid chapter 27 . 7/17/2019
I’m pretty sure it could regrow limbs, but it cost a lot of yang chakra(not good, will cause damage). But the gates are most dangerous due to the strain on chakra flow(Lee can’t use chakra but he does have it)
Bloody Rogue dragon deity king chapter 27 . 7/17/2019
I was hoping that Yoroi would die, maybe have the chakra he stole devour him from the inside.
TempestTirane chapter 26 . 7/16/2019
oh come on! it was just getting good... I want to read more. Your writing has a way of doing this to me... *anime tears* please write more soon.
Daddyyankee chapter 26 . 7/15/2019
I thought the story was interesting I'm a bit baffles at ticked off that they were told to close there eyes and ears before zakus arms blew off i mean there ninja for crying out loud not children that just rubbed me the wrong way anyways your concept premise wasn't to bad though
Takadoshi Uzumaki chapter 24 . 7/15/2019
I think Fox's claw is the best listed, however there are better names that could be used. For example...Kitsune's dance or you could change the dance part to the Japanese pronunciation. I recommend the name Kitsune's dance. You could change the dance part to the Japanese pronunciation. (My last comment didn't send.) I recommend the name Kitsune's dance. You could change the dance part to the Japanese pronunciation. (My last comment didn't send.)
Takadoshi Uzumaki chapter 18 . 7/14/2019
He should just ignore the shape shifting, it only makes him significantly weaker...and it doesn't last that long.
Orgun22 chapter 26 . 7/14/2019
So far it is a Good Story

It is well Writen, has a nice story line and the most important thing (from my point of view) a Goal.
zafnak chapter 12 . 7/13/2019
"I can't marry Sasuke-kun anymore..wwwaaaaahhhh!"

I'm picturing her face and laughing so hard right now..
Firestar001 chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
This is me personally but I feel if Kurama cried out “Naruto” at the end it would be a much more powerful statement. But that’s just my opinion. Hope to see more of this.
JustLucky05 chapter 26 . 7/13/2019
Excellent Chapter! I enjoyed the mix up for the prelims. I can't wait to see who Naruto is supposed to fight now that Kiba has already gone. I look forward to reading more. Keep up the wonderful work.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/12/2019
ino makes a move on naruto first. Please ino like a childhood friend so her first man. Or make it so both make a crab for him, gonna be funny.
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