Reviews for End Game
RandomObsessiveReader chapter 1 . 5/28/2024
interesting, thanks for sharing :)
Scorpion.Sorcerer7 chapter 1 . 8/30/2023
I loved this! Yes, adding to the story wouldn't have added to the power of the message.
Chooser chapter 1 . 5/19/2022
Getting real God Emperor of Dune vibes from just how total Taylor's control was towards the end.

As to Ender attributing her erasure from world history to Dragon's spite... well, Dragon could've done it for Taylor instead of out of spite. The motive was attributed to spite by Ender after all. No telling how Dragon would've seen it.
Eriktheviking70 chapter 1 . 12/26/2021
The Nachoman chapter 1 . 3/23/2021
Well, that was very nice. And I guess Accord died in ecstasy, weeping in joy at finding himself useless.
Ibskib chapter 1 . 3/21/2020
It seems wildly out of character for Dragon to show that kind of spite. Not to mention it simply not being possible to scour every record.
Even if she controlled the entire internet as she probably did.
And when would she have have done that... after Taylor's death? Why bother at that point, Dragon is much more the type to want to learn from history, not obscure it.
Why would she even harbor that much spite, when Taylor was even helping her with her restrictions.

If Taylor even died, I think I remember there being longevity tech or something in the Ender setting.
typo chapter 1 . 3/21/2020
need it smaller version - need a smaller version
addicted2text chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
My God this is amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2019
It seems wildly out of character for Dragon do that kind of historical editing, not to mention it straining SoD that she would actually be able to edit the entire world's data at the same time.
Offline backups are a thing, as well as people writing things down and far from everything being online at all times.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2019
I disagree that fleshing it out more wouldn't improve the story, the connection with Hive Queen could use a lot more interaction to make their bond more believeable, as well as actually giving a good explanation for how it came to pass. The story also generally run into the problem of telling rather than showing, as well as simply skipping too much, making it feel disjointed.

That aside, it's a pretty interesting premise.
Anon chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
Fantastic one-shot. I'm curious how they would kill scion though.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
Damn. That's a good one. I've seen one other EG crossover, and this one beats it by miles.
PJ chapter 1 . 4/4/2019

Dude, there are a lot of parahumans who could put the Nix on such a scheme or plan, not to mention that for all of their technology they could still be blindsided by pretty much most of the higher level things in Worm.

Not to mention, what kind of BS are you pulling with Dragon and the Ansible. This is Dragon we are talking about, she literally is the reverse engineering superpower.
The entire nanobot thing also does not work, and before someone comments Tinkers are BS, that is not applicable to this one. This isn't tinker BS, its badly handled "because plot" bs.

And why the hell did Taylor decide to side with the Formics? How the ever loving FUCK did the Formics even perceive Taylor, they were unable to perceive humans as sentient for years; it's a literal plot point in the series, but we have Taylor collaberating somehow.

Not to mention this also means that Taylor managed to communicate alien technology into human terms, which in the Enders Game series, required Humanity to invent entirely new fields of science to properly explain and utalize such technology.

But for Taylor, nah, we can put it down easily and patent that shit without tripping flags that this shit is way too advanced.

This entire storyline is convoluted once you go into the details and becomes blatantly rediculous the further it goes on.

Gias chapter 1 . 3/23/2019
Disturbing. A fantastic one-shot and I'm inclined to argue that there might have been a few Parahumans capable of resisting the Formics for a time, but given how fractured and unstable Earth-Bet is, it probably wouldn't have changed the ending much. But yeah, disturbing, given how willingly and easily your Taylor made the choice to take over Earth-Bet after coming into mental contact with the Formic race.
frankieu chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
nice one shot thx for writing it
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