Reviews for Tell Me Our Story: Jacob and Renesmee
InTheEndGameNow chapter 5 . 4/25/2019
more please
TIABiggestFan chapter 6 . 4/25/2019
Loved the title. Didn't quite understand the training unless... That would be so cool if so, but I will keep quiet.
TIABiggestFan chapter 5 . 4/25/2019
Thanks again for bringing the chapters back. Cute exchange at the end.
TwilightFicFan chapter 8 . 4/25/2019
Very cute, please update soon, looking for my fix.
FadeToBlack10 chapter 3 . 4/25/2019
superb writing, need more
FadeToBlack10 chapter 2 . 4/25/2019
please continue. Very good story so far.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 4 . 4/25/2019
Little teen wolf call out but I guess you couldn't go red that would be to much like the Vampires. Wonder who the hooded figure was, please continue.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 3 . 4/25/2019
enjoying so far, great first few chapters now that their back :)
InTheEndGameNow chapter 2 . 4/25/2019
nice additional twist, that was cute.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 8 . 4/25/2019
Cracked me up. Nessie is so freaking cute and their interaction, haha.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 1 . 4/25/2019
Giving this a shot. Liking it so far
JakeNessieAddict chapter 8 . 4/24/2019
Waiting for more of jake and Nessie time.
JerseyFanFicReader chapter 8 . 4/23/2019
awwwwwww, so freaking cute. I loved the part where Jacob says if he's going to devote time to something its going to be that little bronze hair bundle of joy. Soooo cute.

I loved the visual of Nessie here. Previous chapters seemed so intense, it was nice to see her happy and doing what she loves most, being with Jacob.

To cute the part about finding her prince. How dare Jacob kid about something so serious. So precious. That girl loves her wolf, lol.

Haha, I wish I had made those investments back then.
JerseyFanFicReader chapter 7 . 4/23/2019
Alright, now we're caught up. See my guest review.
JerseyFanFicReader chapter 6 . 4/23/2019
Thank you for the pm, but now chapter 1 seems messed up. Might just be I need to refresh, anyway, thank you for fixing the chapters.
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