Reviews for Tell Me Our Story: Jacob and Renesmee
TravelSick chapter 1 . 4/23/2019
Where did your first few chapters go?
JerseyGirl chapter 4 . 4/23/2019
*** Note: Not sure what happened to the first 3 chapters but it didn't let me post to this new one saying I already did. Did you re-order them by chance? Anyway, here is my review of Chapter 4:

Well I guess no one comes between Nessie and her wolf, WOW, protective much.

I've read a lot of stories with a similar scenario and almost each one had Jacob follow wherever they went. I like that yes he was willing to let her go without him only if it meant she would be safe. That shows the love he has for Nessie. The chapter also showed that Nessie was not going to allow them to be separated. The imprint works both ways and you can tell she recognizes that too even at this young age.

I mean where else would she be safer than with Jacob and everything that is Jacob, as Nessie said. The family moving or going away is to keep the secret safe, not necessarily Nessie.

What I like here is it seems the family understands the bond between Nessie and Jacob. They recognize that when you break everything down, Jacob is actually the one and only person that knows how to keep Nessie safe. Saying it is one thing, but Jacob is actually bound by a super natural law to actually keep her safe and you showed that the Cullens aren't stupid and recognize this fact.

By far, the funniest thing I read, "Emmett couldn't help but send a glance at the new power couple. "
That made me spit out my water. So Emmett
TravelSick chapter 1 . 4/21/2019
This story keeps getting better with every chapter.
JerseyFanFicReader chapter 5 . 4/17/2019
Awww, that was so cute. Nessie really missed Jake and you can tell their bond is so strong even now.

Also, I loved that you had Jacob include Bella and Edward in everything but not at the point like Jacob needed their approval, he was just being nice.

I wondered how close Edward and Jacob would become if Ed could ever trust Jacob. God knows Jacob has done more than enough to prove himself but I see where this is setting up for hopefully a nice relationship.

Not going to spoil anything but nice drop of a certain someone's name. Only book readers will pick that up and here I thought you said you didn't read the books.
JRfan chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
That was cute and loved the ending
PenPal3 chapter 7 . 4/11/2019
This is great.
FadeToBlack10 chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
Welcome back TIA. I will give this story a shot. Liking it so far.
TIABiggestFan chapter 4 . 4/10/2019
your a/n nailed it, I often wondered the same thing.

Thanks again for giving us some quality writing.
JerseyFanFicReader chapter 4 . 4/10/2019
Wow, just wow. That was intense, beautiful, exciting, and a great in depth look at the "vision". Great setup for the next phase.

Really looking forward to reading. Thanks again for sharing this story with us.
AlmostHome chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
So refreshing to have a writer whose not a review whore. That’s why I felt I needed review before I get home. Awesome story.

I will review more when I log in.
lovingJnR chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
Are you kidding me. You rock, 4 chapters in a week and great chapters at that. Loving it.
Homernes chapter 4 . 4/9/2019
Wow this story keeps getting better. Thank you for updating so soon.
TIABiggestFan chapter 3 . 4/9/2019
Oh wow, Jacob pushing her hand away. Didn't see that coming. Usually he's a slave to the imprint but I like seeing him have a mind of his own too.
TIABiggestFan chapter 2 . 4/9/2019
Just catching up but had to say I loved this chapter especially the end.
TIABiggestFan chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
Very nice setup. Good to see Jacob's thoughts.
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