Reviews for Tell Me Our Story: Jacob and Renesmee
FadeToBlack10 chapter 10 . 5/5/2019
Amazing, just absolutely amazing.
FadeToBlack10 chapter 9 . 5/5/2019
I mean I really have to say, this story is amazing. I still don't understand how you can capture and write such a convincing love story and not make it awkward as you progress. This is incredible, and then you add in Rosalie, the one person who never got along with Jacob, and... I absolutely, love this story even though I was never a big Twilight fan, sorry just disliked Bella. Never read past New Moon, but did like the movies, probably cause it focused on more than just Bella.

Anyway, this story, I mean vampires, wolfs, supernatural, romance, adventure, you are nailing it big time.
selmass2002 chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
This story is being so beautifully writen. The way you are doing it is exactly how i think would be that magic connection between this two mythologic beings. Their relationship would be something unique, only theirs, different from anything we humankind or any other magical creature had ever experienced. What a amazing job you are doing!
PenPal3 chapter 11 . 5/4/2019
What a well written story.
FadeToBlack10 chapter 8 . 5/4/2019
lol, Beauty and the Wolf it is. Poor Jake
FadeToBlack10 chapter 7 . 5/4/2019
really great chapter. Please continue
guest chapter 11 . 5/4/2019
enjoying this so far. Please update
FadeToBlack10 chapter 6 . 5/3/2019
Love the title, loved the chapter, love the story.
TIABiggestFan chapter 11 . 5/3/2019
Another spectacular, awesome, incredible chapter. Keep them a rolling.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 11 . 5/3/2019
Cute, funny, another hit yah in the feels chapter.
JerseyFanFicReader chapter 11 . 5/3/2019
Okay where to start with this amazing chapter...

First, Nessie was just so darn cute. She knew what she wanted and no one could tell her a good reason why she couldn't have it.

I felt so bad for Jacob, lol. It went from awwww to holy crap. That was so much fun to read.

I really enjoyed how you handled this conversation because I could see it going down exactly like this. Nessie is way beyond her years intellectually and she couldn't accept that Age is the determining factor in getting married. It was Jake the one who was able to explain it to her.

Best line was something like, "The only one that could tell her honestly what it would be like to be with her future husband was her future husband". Something like that, but that was epic.

These two are just so adorbs. You've actually written it in a way that I'm actually not in a hurry to have her grow up. Their interactions are just to cute. But you can definitely tell she is transitioning.

FYI: Not sure if you know but you can delete reviews. Not sure what the hell that person was reviewing previously
Debbie Hicks chapter 11 . 5/2/2019
12. Chapter 12:Changed
then Both went missding the with wholliest the Giuard found the feedig from people yoiu there who turn yiu then Nessie's I WANT HER i wANT How I Can't stand it no longer I Want her End her the her screams then grabbing roughly her drurel smile screams with him the tore from here with best friends get her the youi are a criminal then her final hours wit tore for real deceasd wiyth they with child murderd with the Cullens Get the newborn then then yoiu Reneesme are charged with murder her screaming shrilling highere pich ing then Head was off with theirs with they with they with the Phoenix Coven Killed by force thenbrought there then too late Nessie's Anime Falkotr's Raed eyes fled where yiu going freak Feliix Want to go hoime to them then her screams was True then sicknening cracking tore her into pieces with tjhey then Atomized by vaporizing good giuad then brought them Ended them the Seer found out Alice who done to her/they Volturi yoiu die with her/they then surrendered to us then tore Them with thenm Executed cruelliest heads with theirs Made Immortal then with three Fl;ed brought there good guard they are Dead Blasting freely nothingnes was left then too late heads toe from lifeless bodies killed by the Voplturi ended their short sad second lives fotrever more now Alice had a vision Nessie had eight kids bitten was turned into a Vampire Slayer was Next with themm now too late caused the kids tp age one leaped then Eight reported then Aro We report this stronge crime Shiftpires aged to ber teenagers dead followed with them you die eight see four's corpses you die then Executed were next then were more Drained of blood Now Carilisle ran tests herself never had children eight was logical the Change was rfeal then wre with newest members but Smashed from hallow bodones Brought there good guard as all blw more we declare that they broke are put to death at once with the defected ones Atomized one were vaporized good more to as all of them are Deceased Train as all of them with twisted vengeful selves blew with five then too late as all of them stolen names as wekll then Blew up then too late wre as all of very far as all of them suddenly too late Herself felt guilkty found her accueddc then chained you are put to death of him wit they Verdict death then tore her/they to as all of pieces Executed from here blown Freely Brought them we sentenced the Blacks to death with they good gusrd End them there then Killed from here then now more than as all of them Alice who done to her/they Volturi they declared her dead who had children gasp the Witnesses were with her grew up yes Crap my throat it's Lematya poisonous then Chained then Tore freely with they Both laid lifeless then Brought there Ashes was from here now they were as all of guards from them good to more will control Earth there then it came too late Alice they destroyed us with as all with things we as all blazed where are we Aboard were as all of fused Blew up drowned to three Followed with three Nulled freely no longer then it was too late drowned from here good ended them blew apart then then Too late they we on Vulcan as far away from them stolen from here then it was too late blew apart with others brought there good no longer there are banished from here then were no longer there Good they can't breed at all then it really happened herself never had more kids was real but was in fact not both but a daywalker so they as all of them.
TravelSick chapter 11 . 5/2/2019
Yet another great chapter. This story just keeps getting better.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 10 . 5/2/2019
Beautiful. Please update.
InTheEndGameNow chapter 9 . 5/1/2019
I loved the part where Nessie explained the abilities of her pack. It makes sense Jake would want her to know everyones strength.

I really have to say, you are building an actual real relationship between those two. This is actually how I always thought the imprint should work. The Volturi are just not going to go away and for Jake just to be the guy who plays dolls and hide and seek with Nessie wouldn't make sense. Thats why I love this story, Jake is actually acting on his responsibility to protect Nessie.
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