Reviews for The Advantages of Being Sane
EvelynnSylph chapter 21 . 1/6
A nice ending to an interesting story
EvelynnSylph chapter 18 . 1/6
That's amazing, and actually makes sense, lore-wise and magic theory-wise
EvelynnSylph chapter 16 . 1/6
She's like his Blood Phylactery. Interesting
EvelynnSylph chapter 13 . 1/6
That Luna scene was amazing and hilarious xD
EvelynnSylph chapter 10 . 1/5
Is it not a bad idea to tell them since they don't know occlumency?
EvelynnSylph chapter 1 . 1/5
Chris Fox chapter 22 . 11/8/2024
The story was really good and I enjoyed it, Including the final extra chapter. You do good work. GG!
Firehawk2213 chapter 1 . 7/25/2024
There is so much wrong with this. The entire opening chapter was a rushed and random conversation where 2 people vomit information at each other. You said you had this idea floating around in your head, but this can't be what you wanted.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2024
Damn, you skipped the part Voldemort went through lobotomy to act like that.
Difdi chapter 15 . 4/17/2024
You have a major plot hole in this chapter - I am Lord Voldemort is an anagram of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

There is NO way to get Voldemort from Tess Merope Riddle, unless she threw away some letters, and borrowed some from a school nickname that incorporated the letter v somehow.

Rowling even missed a trick with canon - if Tom’s middle name had been Marvolero instead of Marvolo, she could have made his dark lord name actually mean Flight of Death, instead of the canon Flight from Death. But she didn’t. And by naming your dark lady Tess, without at least a single v in her middle name, you made Voldemort impossible.
Difdi chapter 9 . 4/17/2024
Hermione has a very bad habit - she wants answers to her questions, but she considers herself asking questions to be more important than listening to someone answering her questions, and as a result, doesn’t hear those answers, which convinces her that she’s being denied answers.
Difdi chapter 6 . 4/17/2024
Now THERE is a ship that would likely have Rowling buying a coffin, just so she can bore out of the end of it.
Difdi chapter 1 . 4/16/2024
There is a crucial flaw in Voldemort’s description of Myrtle’s death: Creating a horcrux requires a cold blooded murder. Not an accidental killing or even one in battle. What modern laws call premeditated murder or first degree murder. Some people believe that all killing is murder, that anyone who kills, for any reason, is equally bad - but at least in a magical sacrifice sense, intent MATTERS. If events occurred as Voldemort describes, Myrtle’s death couldn’t have been used to make the diary.

Either Voldemort is lying about pretty much everything to Harry and Cedric, or you need to edit in a little more exposition to the effect that the belief horcruxes require a murder is wrong.
GPBurdell88 chapter 1 . 4/13/2024
Actually chapter 5. I wish i had a Tess.
confusedw00kie chapter 16 . 3/20/2024
great story so far, i just don't see sirius getting over the main issue quite so quickly nor easily. voldemort DID kill 2 of his best friends and turn a third to help her do it.
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