Reviews for Nullifier
qwertyuiop123214685 chapter 13 . 5/16/2022
Guest chapter 12 . 3/29/2021
can you make more harry, remus, sirius parts? they are funny!
The Dark One Rising chapter 13 . 2/11/2020
I’ve enjoyed reading this again. Not quite so surpassing the second time, but my memory was foggy enough to still cause some shocks.

The chapters got longer as time went on. 12 was particularly long. It is interesting to see, over the course of one story, how your writing develops. I like the direction it has travelled. Not sure how to describe it. It is more “mature”, in a sense. “Mature” doesn’t necessarily mean more grim and dark, although the story has taken that direction. While Harry is still quite flippant, your writing has become less so. Less reliance on witty inner monologues and wacky hijinks to make your writing seem clever. As time progressed, you focused more on interpersonal relationships. It is something you are good at.

It is difficult to believe that the story has lasted less than a week. Harry already seems so close to the others. The characters also seem so grounded and firm in their characterizations. Characters are distinct and rounded. While made to be so in canon, the Founders hardly feel like stereotypes. They also fulfill some expectations and defy others. Should this ever continue, there will be much fallout from the eventual revelation of the truth. You have had many words but less in-story time to flesh this out. I normally find it unrealistic how characters somehow bond so closely with others in the span of a month. Most tell rather than show. Of course, great importance is placed upon that style of storytelling, but it’s effects are evident. Having experienced these few days, I can now fully sympathize. One can imagine that similar bonding occurs in most scenarios. However, these bonds are rarely shown as well as these.

I have come to enjoy these characters greatly. At the beginning, there was heavy reliance on Salazar and Harry. Having read up to what has been written, I can say I even like Rowena. She and Helga were rather scant near the beginning. I wish Lady Slytherin would feature more. She seems lovely. I am also curious at the relationship between her and her sister. The two married into some very interesting families. My favorite is probably Lord Slytherin. Having come to marvel at the interactions of Salazar and Harry, I did not think it would be like this. Still, you have managed to make him such a compelling character. While books could be written on his prior escapades. More could be said on his perspective of the events of this fic. Even with his bearing, his care is evident. This care does not weaken him. Perhaps it speaks to something in society, but some supposedly terrifying characters can never regain their menace once their softer side is shown. Lord Slytherin is still quite formidable, but his affection is no less felt.

Taken up so much by events of the past, I sometimes forget about the present events. I will admit to rather wanting to focus on the Founders. Still, there are things of importance going on with Hermione and her co-conspirators. They seem to have just dropped off. Compared to how much they featured earlier in the fic, it is a bit disconcerting. Until their reappearance later, I had nearly forgotten that others went back with Harry. There needs to be more balance between the perspectives.

Speaking of, your way of writing person is interesting. I’d also call it effective. Third for most people. Even in third, it is clear which person you have limited yourself to. I actually find myself quite liking Patrick. Harry in the first is very good at making us sympathize with him. I rather enjoy his commentary. It was jarring, at first. When done well, it can be an excellent technique. However, in fanfic and published novels alike, I find it is often picked up by poor writers. When one writes in the first person, it is often a thinly veiled piece of self insert. Were it not for very fond memories of this fic, I would have turned away.

I probably sound like a pretentious snob. My own army is very long winded and formal. Not even good, at that. Poor grammar and alternatively complex and simple vocabulary. Still, I wish to impart genuine appreciation for this fic. I have resigned myself to the fact that this will likely remain abandoned. However, I will probably keep coming back to it. It had been a decade or so since I first read it. I have gone through a number of fandoms since. However, I will probably be back in another decade. I hope life has treated you well in the time passed. Thank you for even writing this much.
The Dark One Rising chapter 10 . 2/10/2020
Glad there has finally been some quality Jelga interaction. The only one now lacking is Rowena. That makes sense, given the distrust. Really, they’ve only known Harry a few days. I’d say hers is the only reaction that makes any sense.

That soul magic of Warin’s is interesting. Seeing as it is never faulty, I’d somehow be willing to be that it hasn’t failed now. Inconceivably, Harry is likely related. A reincarnation?
The Dark One Rising chapter 8 . 2/10/2020
A net for time travelers? That sounds fascinating. Was that intended or just a side effect of the off conditions of the land that the castle sits upon?

The more Hardy talks, the harder it is to lie. There are too many gaps in his knowledge. Some of it can be explained, but some should definitely be known to him.
The Dark One Rising chapter 6 . 2/10/2020
It has been long enough that I had forgotten the details of this little ruse. I’d remembered well enough that Harry masqueraded as Slytherin’s son, but no more. I have a feeling that the truth, when it comes, will be devastating.

Always 12? I suppose there will be some very odd reason for why there hasn’t been a nullified in centuries. Once back in his own time, will that make Harry extra powerful?
The Dark One Rising chapter 5 . 2/10/2020
I’m it sure I understand how the orbs work. Remus has one currently. Harry also had one, but his has been misplaced. There are two in existence. Dumbledore needs Hermione to steal another. This would seem to say that there are three, or one of them is a duplicate of the other. Alternatively, I could have misunderstood the amount in existence. I had thought it was two.
The Dark One Rising chapter 2 . 2/10/2020
I remember reading this years ago and quite liking it. I’m back again, on a Founders kick. While unfinished, I remember so dearly loving this fic. I don’t mind giving it a whirl, even in this incomplete state.
SinaSpacetoaster chapter 13 . 8/15/2019
I remember falling in love this fic back in 2005. I'm glad you chose to continue it, and I enjoyed rereading it even though the story will never be completed. Thank you.
mariyahsan chapter 13 . 12/23/2018
Did you really abondon the story?
Don’t do that
Selena chapter 13 . 8/7/2018
Well, i Love your Story, i like how you're portraiting the Founders. I like the New or shall i say the Old Dark Lord ;) the Story is an Adventure, i am so hopefully you will Update...?! Please :)
omh666 chapter 13 . 11/14/2017
*sob* another awesome story cut short. Thank you for what you have posted at least. Great read.
SortingHat chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
No offense and any is on your end but this story is too much ofa Dear Abby editorial column. Iread halfway thru and there is no story so far. I'mdone.
ABECADEO chapter 6 . 5/29/2017
"Brilliant!" I said brightly. "He needs someone to teach a few of his upper level classes, take some of the burden off the poor man. After all, by the time they've reached that age, they don't blow up their cauldrons as often, and I," I said with a grand nod, "just so happen to be one of the best Potions students of my year."

Wasn't he blowing up cauldrons a couple of chapters earlier
Marshmallowmann chapter 13 . 2/7/2017
Last update 10years ago. Well. Sh*t. I was afraid this was gonna happen
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