Reviews for Phantasmal Soldier |
Lancergashiinda chapter 1 . 11/4/2021 every magus in the clock tower would really go crazy if ordinary people knew about magic, as everyone knows magecraft will get weaker the more people know. man... Shirou will really become a fugitive of the magus |
Raging Drake chapter 11 . 11/1/2021 Wait rin is shirou’s ex? Wha? He broke up over the phone? I reread the voice message in chapter 1 and there’s no trace of break up message anywhere and it’s fairly obvious that rin still likes him |
Raging Drake chapter 10 . 11/1/2021 Rin’s finally here! Yay,so he’s with rin,UBW shirou it is then |
Raging Drake chapter 9 . 11/1/2021 The prime minister thinking about using mages? That’s hilarious |
Raging Drake chapter 8 . 11/1/2021 Shirou’s harem protagonist ex skill is active cool |
Raging Drake chapter 4 . 11/1/2021 Shirou got kissed! Nice! Is this UBW shirou or fate shirou? But considering he didn’t mention rin in the relationship line this must be fate shirou,the one that searches for saber |
Raging Drake chapter 2 . 11/1/2021 The story is going good so far |
Raging Drake chapter 2 . 11/1/2021 Gray and waver are here! Yay! |
Raging Drake chapter 1 . 11/1/2021 Well shįt,magecraft’s exposed and the clock towers gonna a lot of people for either mass Hypnos or genocide to keep magic secret safe,shirou will deeeefinitely be targeted for exposing magecraft He’s so dead both from rin and the clock tower |
Maglad chapter 10 . 10/16/2021 1) I am happy Rin is finally there. I don't understand why Waver is there if he does nothing. It would have made more sense to send Rin in from the beginning. 2) Why hasn't Shirou mentioned that Arpeggio is into minerak magic, to Rin, or mentioned that Rin is into gem magic, to Arpeggio? 3) What happened to Rin's bounded field? Was it just for decoration? I really dislike when 'authors' write fanfics by just copying everything from the original work (sometimes word by word!) and sometimes adding a new character just sort of floating around, or as decoration. Up to this point, Shirou seems enormously... irrelevant. The dragon's attack happened same as before, Itami got caught same as before, the hotel was attacked same as before (even though there was a bounded field), so... what's the point of this fanfic? Just retelling the original work with differently colored paint on the walls? That being the bad, and there was a fair bunch of it, I have hopes for the good. There's so much potential there, and you seem to write pretty decently when you dare to, instead of just following the original story. Trust yourself more and deviate from the script, matey. |
Fyr RedNight chapter 11 . 9/25/2021 It's a really interesting story. I look forward to see what'll happen in the following chapters! |
Ask-if-i-like-lemons chapter 4 . 9/6/2021 Huh so him and Rin broke up? Man that's such a big turnoff for me. |
KeelErnk chapter 6 . 7/10/2021 "Tace,on" |
cello chapter 11 . 7/5/2021 Your build new story gate jsdf x Avatar last air Bender fire nation invasion Ginza Tokyo Japan |
Dragon Man 180 chapter 11 . 7/3/2021 Poor poor enemy agents, when you're facing Rory the Reaper you should listen to Shirou when he tells you to surrender. I can't wait to hear who is calling Shirou... but if it's Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg I can just imagine Shirou's face going very pale. |