Reviews for In the Eye of the Beholder
LunaticV chapter 27 . 2/15/2011
ah, what a sweet, amusing and refreshing ending XD

though i have to say, for the entirety of this story, i have no idea what they all look like, except for legolas

(it's been very long time since i watched LOTR XP)

but i toroughly enjoyed that
LunaticV chapter 22 . 2/15/2011
'stork-like mating dance'! LOLOL! XD
LunaticV chapter 2 . 2/14/2011
wow. the description of what elrond might do to legolas if he was hurt was scary
fortheloveoftea chapter 27 . 12/5/2010
I've never read lord of the rings fanfiction before, loved the books, loved the movies but figured I was already seriously addicted to too many fandoms as it is. But you've ruined that now. How can I not read lotr stuff now that you've gone and gotten me addicted? )

Found this story while trawling through another writers favourites, never even considered this pairing before but legolas/elrond are deffinately going on my mental list of favourite pairings.

Such a well written story! Sorry I keep going on but I just cant get over how well done this is. Adding to favourites!
saya.sen chapter 27 . 11/17/2010
Your story was excellent! I loved the how you gradually introduced their friendship and let it develop from there. All in all, I think you did a wonderful job!
Luminate chapter 27 . 11/10/2010
I absolutely adored this story. Thank-you so much for sharing it.
rerdcer chapter 27 . 11/6/2010
This story was amazing! - Forever Nobody
Anonymous chapter 27 . 9/23/2010
Loved it!
HiDiNgFrOmYoU chapter 27 . 9/12/2010
Oh there are to many sentiments I'd like to pass on for my utmost joy you created this story!

I love all of it, from he bad, to the wrse, to the cute, to the lovely, to the brilliantly snarky.

Oh...words can't completely describe how much I loved this story!
Rumrum chapter 27 . 9/3/2010
This was an absolutely riveting read! It was nice that, although Thranduil's betrayal played an important part, you seemed to downplay that in order to concentrate on the slow-growing of the love between Legolas and Elrond. Despite it being slash and very AU, their relationship felt real and unforced. Another nice thing was the very, very slow and subtle (in fact, almost imperceptible) love scenes; all too often, I read slash-fics that seem to be just about sex. To my mind, any more detail would have grated against the tender backdrop already portrayed, so very well done :)
salty-sarah chapter 27 . 8/11/2010
This was an enchanting tale. I loved the slow buildup to the emotional climax, and I think the way you developed their relationship was simply lovely. And it certainly helped that this piece was so well written it was more than a pleasure to read. Thank you so much for sharing. Cheers!
soupcan chapter 27 . 8/6/2010
Brilliantly written. It's such an unlikely pairing, but you make it seem very believable. Nicely done!
texasfaith89 chapter 27 . 7/15/2010
I absolutely loved this story! Thanks for sharing!
crystal-riot1 chapter 2 . 6/14/2010
wow. gandolf is a very frank person lol. this story is good so far. i think that im really going to enjoy reading this. this is my first LOTR slash._ and so far so good.
JustAnotherParallelDimension chapter 27 . 5/24/2010
Loved it! *such warm fuzzy feelings*
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