Reviews for In the Eye of the Beholder
sevenofmine chapter 2 . 1/18/2020
Elrond is 18/32 elf, 2/32 maia, and 12/32 human,just to clarify.
Gimli's Pickaxe chapter 27 . 10/25/2019
Fantastic! It was my near-first Legolas/Elrond story, and I'll admit that I'd never imagined the two together much, romantic or otherwise. But it was a really great story that broke all my expectations and left me wishing for more. Thank you!
DiahKu chapter 27 . 6/20/2019
a masterpiece!
love it
Guest chapter 27 . 5/30/2019
This was beautiful! I spent two days reading this and it was time well-spent! Great job!
Lize Ounette chapter 27 . 5/23/2019
I have to say this : it is nice to know that out there in the world, people still manage to write beautiful fanfictions without destroying the characters, even when the scenario is SO far away from the original and could have led to the worst.
You made it beautiful instead.
Thank you for that !
GUEST chapter 5 . 12/20/2018
Really good chapter! However, I find it rather hard to believe that Elrond thought of using the medicine on Legolas but never thought of using it on his own horses until Legolas said something...
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2018
Such a lovely story thank you for sharing
Cenozoic15 chapter 27 . 5/20/2018
Oh my god, I loved this so much!
muttjc2003 chapter 27 . 2/19/2018
This is a beautiful story, I am glad you wrote it. Wonderful job! :)
1sunfun chapter 27 . 2/7/2018
aewea chapter 5 . 2/2/2018
I never thought I would, but i really like this. THe story is good, I don't think there are any mistakes, and legolas is just adorable.
My fave thing in all of the fic tho, is the fact they don't know who legolas really is. oh it's just hilarious.
Vegan chapter 27 . 11/28/2017
Please tell me you'll become an author or you're dreaming of doing! You have no idea how amazing you are. The world needs to read your magic, please don't spare us this. You have the gift.
I'm crying so hard how these 2 humble souls so deserved each other. Elrond is such a good person for housing the mirkwood folk.
Vegan chapter 3 . 11/27/2017
As an animal lover I've saved and rescued/healed many animals. I was HOOKED and in love with the intricate story and your version of Legolas, now I'm addicted! Obsessed. It won't take a day for me to finish your amazing tale.
kiara chapter 27 . 8/29/2017
I love this story...
teacuppy chapter 27 . 8/12/2017
thank you for a happy ending, i so wished for one. and i was left hungry for more by the end. all the best for you
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