Reviews for Bouquet of Asphodels
Amerise Rei chapter 33 . 11/6/2024
Just read the last chapter again and for sone reason it’s resonating, especially woth recent developments in the US elections. If only….
Say tk see this story is discontinued but I enjoyed it as well as SPS.
Great writing and keep uo the great work
Guest chapter 33 . 6/14/2022
Broken hearted to see this abandoned. Absolutely find SPS to be one of the best written fanfiction ever made.
Corentine chapter 33 . 4/18/2022
Is? Is that it? Like not that it's lacking just confirming. This was amazing. Thank you so much for your work!
Corentine chapter 2 . 4/16/2022
Okay so a bit confusion but it's not abandoned and that's the important bit! Thank you!
glowworm6b chapter 33 . 4/1/2022
Great read, have you thought of a third chapter.
Irish Thorn chapter 33 . 3/4/2022
Feeling rather bereft with this ending. Hoping for more.
HelpmeHermione chapter 1 . 1/11/2022
Yay, A sequel! I'm so relieved! I just wrote a review requesting a epilogue, and then this lovely surprise!
theempressxx chapter 33 . 1/11/2022
loved the whole story, great epilogue! this journey has been unlike anything I've been on, thank you for writing it and sharing it x
GoDrinkPinesol624 chapter 33 . 1/9/2022
This is so good! Please finish!
DiagonAli chapter 33 . 8/3/2021
Imagine my joy to finish Pomegranate and find an epilogue! my questions answered, but not fully. another abrupt ending, right before actual answers are delivered. again, we've got the crumb trail to follow to a decent conclusion, but I wish we could have had several more chapters to make it a tidy ending.

I'm pleased that, though there is mistrust from both sides, there is Reform happening. Muggleborn Hermione in Pureblood Cathal can do what wouldn't be possible. it's slow, painful and not enough, but Magical Britain is reforming. Democracy and transparency will be the norms for their children or grandchildren. that's beautiful
RonRR chapter 33 . 7/3/2021
Interesting wrap up to Six Pomegranate Seeds.

Again, an abrupt ending.

Thank you for writing,

goneabandonednolongerinuse chapter 33 . 5/26/2021
Both Six Pomegranate Seeds and Bouquet of Asphodels are literal masterpieces. This is one of the most creative and original plots I have seen in the fan fiction community. I can whole heartedly say that this was more than worth my time, though I am unashamed to say that I finished Six Pomegranate Seeds in three days, and Bouquet of Asphodels in one.
RedKitsune2016 chapter 33 . 1/27/2021
Interesting end. I like how logical you made Cathal.
kaira-hime chapter 33 . 12/12/2020
lived this story! is it really over?
Zolar33 chapter 33 . 11/24/2020
I love the politicking and intrigue, the discussions regarding post-war tensions and injustices. So many fics focus on relationships, it all gets stale after a while.
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