Reviews for The Rise of the Dragons
Maze-Tr4verser chapter 1 . 12/14/2020
Great story so far.
TheKingLeonidas chapter 33 . 9/29/2020
really, just leave it like that? They almost killed her because of her curiosity and mc left her as if nothing had happened ... well, jorah knew and did not warn, no punishment, nothing man.. what the hell?
Empire74 chapter 32 . 9/29/2020
Story has promise, but it really needs an editor.
Vallavarayan chapter 8 . 8/28/2020
ghost is not about looking like a dragon.
Ghost is a representation of the old gods- white tree with red leaves. white wolf with red eyes.
GorYase chapter 26 . 7/25/2020
Another sex scene. You forced them so many that its boring already
GorYase chapter 25 . 7/25/2020
If you want to write story only about fucking, because itz only action in this fanfiction then you should put the warning in ch1 porn with little plot, 25 chapters, 1 city almost 0 development for Essos
GorYase chapter 24 . 7/25/2020
Why is it so slow you said 8 or 7 ch ago that they will go to Targaryens. You are forcefully prolong things. Its bad to rush them but MC in 24 chapters conquered only one city
GorYase chapter 23 . 7/25/2020
I see that your only idea about how assasins worked in medival times are from movies and games. With such slow progress you will never finish this damn story
GorYase chapter 16 . 7/24/2020
Who the fuck cares about robb and oc sex life?
GorYase chapter 11 . 7/24/2020
Bond bonding not bounding i hope you will improve in later chapters for real. 19 more chapters and if you will still have such poor knowedgle about english words and the usage of them i will either drop it or i will go crazy...
GorYase chapter 10 . 7/24/2020
Lame questions, lame usage of english words, lame knowedgle how long you have to travel in ships... chapter 30 . 7/17/2020
I think you are following the plot of the series and the novel a lot where we will keep waiting like 100 more chapters for Jon to conquer Westeros, which your Jon could have easily done a long time ago. You really hate Tully so much, if you really wanted to do something better you would have started thinking about the easiest way to conquer, this now you just seem like an idiot lengthening this whole arc. Jon already has the ability to conquer Westeros, but you stupidly repeat everything that Daenerys does in the novel and series; because what is Jon's goal to conquer Westeros or Essos ?
If Jon now goes to Westeros and helps the river lands, now that all the noble houses are side by step, he can begin to invade both the valley and the west.
TianYi chapter 28 . 7/8/2020
Jaehaerys III Targaryen chapter 12 . 6/12/2020
Good chapter.
The more Viserys talks the more I want someone to burn him alive.
I love the interactions between Aenar and Arya. They are adorable together.
Keep up the good work.
Cboylan chapter 27 . 5/2/2020
I swear it this is some magic bait and switch. I dont know If u would do that but do not have the idea pls. i mean that like galahad used magic to make himself jon at the end, then he goes back to normal when jon sees him or something stupid, btw this has happened in a different story. that why I'm a bit paranoid.
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