Reviews for A Fair Life
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 14 . 11/3
Albus should have everything the Dursleys did to Harry done to him.

And the students need a very serious very painful spanking. Followed my doing the same to their parents. This shit has been going on for far to long canon or fanfiction. And far to many of the Magical community never learn. If the adults never learn that means their children will never learn. Thus why the community needs harsh corporal punishment to get threw to them. Since they won't listen to word and reasoning. And warnings I when I read and listen using text to speech and the problems within the community.

Chapter 12
If anyone tried doing such a thing with the contract crap it will be sn automatic death sentence. The Minute I find out I would be on a plane straight to the UK to execute evertone involved and I woukd be letting Queen Elizabeth the Second my cousin know I was on my way and why and that I would need a room to stay and that I would be taking some of her guard with me to carry out the executions the witches and wizards were warned would happen it they did something theh were told not to. And that magic canceling inhibitors would be activated that would take out their wards so they can not hide. I know far to many make you excuses for the community and the real world governments.

As for the Press I very little to no respect for them. Onebif my distant cousins is dead no thanks to those fucks who can ot resowct privacy and take no for an answer. I believe those shits should have been put to death for their chasing her in traffic reduylting in her driver crashing and resulting in her death and her boys having to finish growing up without her. And their step mother being a real piece of work and a effing thief.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 1 . 11/3
What the wizarding world needs is a threat to their lives and magic and a one way trip straight to Sheol/Hades the fields of punishment before being thrown into the lake of fire. Where they would be totally destroyed. Far to many think they know their bibles they don't especially to when it comes to what is known as after life before the resurrection. And refers to a second death for those who it has been shown can't be redeemed saved. What Tom Marvolo Riddle did there is no saving him. What death eaters have done and completely unrepentant no saving them.

And let me tell you based on what was written concerning the wizarding world and what I know of one of my uncles and what he would do to them concerning Harry. Lets just say they would end up very hurt if not very dead. Consideri g what he has done in the past concerning his protective nature towards womans and that they are equals and they are not to be used and mistreated. My uncle was very protective towards me and treaten far to many men when he sees them mistreat women especially those within the family. Heck he even tore into my father his little brother when he hurt my mother andcwarned what he would do to him when it comes to me. And the fact he tried to teach me as much as he could in self defense to that of what I was learning from my time in school and college.

Whether canon or fanfiction when it comes to Albus I so want to ring his neck for all the abuse he allowed Harry to threw. If I had been in the UK at that time I would have reported everything and Albus sorry ass. And let him know the consequences of his actions and inactions. Plus potential guardians are required to undergo a background check. Including relatives. Minerva met that bitch Petunia as a girl. Severus also knew that bitch when they were children. Albus was warned but he didn't listen. And that old goat should have been willing to Work with the UK's Child Protection Services. to do regular check up. There have to be muggleborn, half-blood and squibs along with muggles in the know. Plus it we oukd also work to make the Dursleys don't spoil Dudley and have him turn into a bullying brat. For which we know he did in canon. Plus also make sure they don't lie to or about Harry which we also know happens. And Harry we qualified for NHS but the stupid Dursleys never use it to make sure Harry gets the care he needs. But never use it fir Harry but do for them selves. And their are many Americans who Have no clue about the national health service but yet those of you who are UK citizens you know about it but dont stop to think the Dursleys have zero excuse not to get Harry medical care he needs. Since every british citizen qualifies for the NHS. And all children are supposed to have their needs met threw it when it comes to their health.
Triton600 chapter 16 . 9/23
love the story hope to see it continue
daled73 chapter 16 . 9/15
Well, a 2 year hiatus doesn't make the story abandoned, at least I hope it doesn't. Please carry on, I'm no the only fan of your writing.
morningrose1 chapter 16 . 8/3
great start looking forward to more please
tawnya.penner chapter 16 . 5/3
Sooooooo good!
tawnya.penner chapter 6 . 5/2
Great story, loving it! I love that Harlen basically picked Neville to be her (slightly) older brother. Can't wait to read more!
I hope you are doing well and just busy with real life. Hope to see more of your witing soon!
tawnya.penner chapter 4 . 5/2
Good story!
Riley chapter 16 . 4/29
What a cliff to hang on...
Piletorn chapter 16 . 1/28
Oh dear that was quite the abrupt ending to an intriguing story.
I hope you will continue (and finish) it
Yakashama chapter 16 . 12/27/2023
Well, it being a year after your last update makes me quite sad that I won’t get to hear how the whole debacle with Augusta Longbottom trying to marry off Harleen to Draco (at least, I assume that’s what was going on there). That being said, this is likely the best time-traveling story I’ve ever read, hands down, and one of the best gender-transformation ones. I do prefer them to be femslash, and seeing a protective Hermione (as it should be!) was also quite lovely. Thank you for the story!
Guest chapter 16 . 11/16/2023
vswey chapter 5 . 10/31/2023
is this meant as a Crack fiction or is it supposed to be serious?
It's a cool twist to the challenge but so much of the first few chapters seem sort of parody/Crack, maybe just a bit ham-fisted. and Harleen? Harleen Janine? lol it's like a bad Stan Lee knock off name that went for rhyming over alliteration. seriously though that name is so jarring, i know you made the name starting with 'H' being one reason why the death dude didnt notice but why not Harley? or just anything else.

tldr; cool premise and story for the most part so far, though feels a bit of a parody at times. and the names, ugh.
IamNOTawriter chapter 16 . 10/27/2023
Given the last update stamp, I'm a latecomer to your party.
Thank you for a well written and engaging story (so far). You have taken what I believe is a unique approach the Female Harry, and made it work. Both from believable mechanics for the change, and her character reactions to it.
Believe me, there are very few Female Harry stories that have caught my attention the way this one has. Thank you.
I am not in the habit of chapter by chapter reviews. I understand that some chapters are needed to set the stage for later events and may not have as much action as some people seem to desire. Reviews based on the incomplete story, seem to sway some authors away from their own unique approach, to something that panders to the majority of their reviewers. They usually lose what made them interesting in the process.
Thanks again for an enjoyable read.
SarcasticallySatyrical chapter 16 . 10/13/2023
Love this, lol. The perfect blend of angst and humor!
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