Reviews for The Nightmare in Her Dreams
Unknown Huge Fan chapter 35 . 11/16/2024
Hello, I am a huge fan of this story. Please, please, please come back and finish it. Don't listen to or let the naysayers and bullies get you down. There are more people like me that love your story and wish that you would continue. Please come back.
Eagle chapter 32 . 8/31/2024
Of course, it's always the others' fault. If you would go by that, Tywin would not be to blame for Elia martel's & children's death, Aerys would not be to blame. It would always be the others' fault.
Guest chapter 29 . 8/31/2024
Groan EWWW Jon/Dany is Dany will killed.
Carly chapter 35 . 8/7/2024
This is a really good story has not been updated for a while
Carly chapter 4 . 8/6/2024
I always like Daario he accepts Danny as she is. Jin was too squirmisj the fact it was his aunt so what
losMuertosloses6 chapter 32 . 7/30/2024
Once again, everyone else is to blame instead of Dany.
losMuertosloses6 chapter 31 . 7/30/2024
Hope that Dany dies in the LN. Why should she get a happy ending after what she did.
PaleFeed chapter 1 . 5/22/2024
wa wa wa who cares
rob chapter 11 . 3/18/2024
You have a scenario I have seen in a few other Jon and stubborn Dany for differnt
reasons. makes sense to me:)
jumpingmanatee chapter 35 . 12/29/2023
This is a beautiful story. I hope you come back to it. I want to see the North's reaction, especially the Starks, the bastards.
Shoksha chapter 12 . 12/12/2023
Thank you for sharing your work with us.
ithedarkqueen chapter 8 . 11/28/2023
i doubt Dany would allow brothels to continue?
Stephen W Phelps chapter 35 . 11/18/2023
It's been far too long since there was a new chapter in this series! I just finished reading it, 2 whole days, and I want more!
Ricky chapter 1 . 11/10/2023
Your rant at the start of the story had me giggling, you can’t even take criticism. Their are goanna be people who don’t like your story and be vocal about it and you gotta continue through it and not lash out like a child. Grow some thicker skin, your rant only makes you look bad.
PaleFeed chapter 1 . 9/7/2023
Im automatically put off by the authors attitude they seem like a whining child. I feel like if you post something on this site you need to have some measure of thick skin. There will always be critics and trolls, and the worst think you can do is give them more attention especially by having a rant about them as the first thing in your story.
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