Reviews for Early Arrival
ichigo urahara Shihoin chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
tarkin wanted power ..
MumsieDo chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
I admit I'm not a BIG fan of time jumps...but you make them work very well in this story. And, Tarkin's woe-is-meism is both pathetic and funny. Good thing Padme didn't wallow in self-pity like that or she'd NEVER have succeeded as Queen or Senator! And, I love that Jade's got a real family! And, Obi should talk, all that ginger hair on HIS head (and chin)! I can't wait to find out what they're going to do with this commandeered ship! Exciting! :D
feed-your-tropes chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
I like how Tarkin is being rehabilitated. I had never really given it much thought before about how he would be if he switched sides.

It's nice that Mara and Leo got to be reunited with their father and older sister. Little Mara is just so cute!

Jocasta Nu! Yes! I'm glad you're bringing her into this. And I love the easy friendship you have going between her and Yoda.

Another entertaining chapter. Thank you for sharing.
Brievel chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
I do like Madame Nu. I'm glad you're bringing her into the merry cavalcade. :D
banzi chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
Enjoyed your update.
sunmoonwindandstars chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
Yeah! Master Nu! Always liked her! And love the addition of Mara's father and half-sister, too! And Tarkin's self analysis is certainly interesting! Worth the wait! Great update!
EmlynMara chapter 20 . 9/17/2019
So glad Mara and Leo are not truly orphans. Their poor Dad. Definitely a lot of loss. But hopefully his outlook and life will improve.

Sounds like their plans are moving forward. Nice to see Tarkin is on board. He’s being awfully reflective, and, thanks to Anakin and Padme, his eyes are being opened to some ugly truths.
DarthPuggle 45 chapter 19 . 9/15/2019
I know that the busy portion of the year has begun, but you really need to update. This is one of the best AU stories out there, and I know that many of us are waiting impatiently for an update.
EmlynMara chapter 19 . 9/12/2019
Wow! So many new developments. Glad they found a haven for the children and clones. And I am so glad Anakin didn’t leave the jumper behind. I had ugly visions of a new upcoming Sith lord. Cute reunion.
DarthPuggle 45 chapter 19 . 9/12/2019
Please update quickly. I love this fic and can't praise it enough.
Sfloresf chapter 19 . 9/9/2019
This was a very sweet chapter. The way Padme and Anakin want to help the displaced victims and give them a better life is heartwarming. I’m so glad Emperor Palpatine is still has not figured out where Anakin/Vader is in the Galaxy. It’s Good to see the Force Sensitive Children are being taken care of. My favorite part of the chapter was when Luke recognized Mara and she ran up to each other in a hug.. and especially little Mara called out “Wuke”! So so Sweet! ADORABLE! I’m truly enjoying this story. Thank You! :]
ghaisdlkfns chapter 19 . 9/8/2019
interesting but good :) Not sure if palpy is the kinda guy to relax in a pool though...
ILDV chapter 19 . 9/8/2019
EllanaSkywalker chapter 19 . 9/7/2019
Luke and Mara are so cute ! « Wuke ! » It’s also so cute !
Guest chapter 19 . 9/7/2019
Oh this is great!
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