Reviews for Face On the Milk Carton
Gmuench16 chapter 64 . 2/5
This was soooooo good! I loved everything in this book! You did such an amazing job! Thank you for sharing this with us!
aemilyl24 chapter 64 . 12/30/2024
Wow fantastic story, thanks for creating it!
Tallulah-does-the-hula chapter 64 . 11/3/2024
Loved this! Thanks for sharing. Snarky Hermione is the best!
SharonH chapter 64 . 9/11/2024
I loved this. It is well written and fun. The errors that bothered me were few, and previously mentioned so no reason to call them out. Thank you, and I would love to see more.
Whitlock's Lili chapter 64 . 8/11/2024
I really enjoyed this story immensly. It is now a part of my favs. Just one small hiccup to fix. Some of the names need to be dou le checked. I notived during thr story where a character will have a certain middle or first name and then chapters later the name was change. Like Narcissa's and Theo's middle names and Pansy's father's first name. But those are just small changes. Otherwise, amazing job!
Booklovinkitten chapter 10 . 7/20/2024
anyone else get weird spacing during this chapter?
Lizard1988 chapter 57 . 5/23/2024
Hermione refers to herself as Hermione Granger and not Malfoy. I’m not sure if was intentional or not but I wanted to let you know. I’m enjoying the story so far.
phantomangel20 chapter 64 . 5/8/2024
I loved every minute reading this story 3
Sensorybuzz chapter 64 . 5/2/2024
Great story!
Bambu chapter 5 . 4/10/2024
I'm re-reading your story while I recover from surgery, and it's honestly such a nice blend of drama, teen angst and delightful romance. Nonetheless, I wanted to leave a note for this chapter specifically. Narcissa's reaction to Draco and Hermione's bickering at the end of the chapter is so precious! It made me grin. So, thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable revisit to this inventive lttle tangent.
Concolor44 chapter 64 . 12/27/2023
This was a fun ride, to be sure, and I am SO HAPPY Petunia got a chance for reconciliation. That made me misty, it did.

Adding to Favorites.
Concolor44 chapter 63 . 12/27/2023
Hahaha! Chop 'im up! Burn 'im down! So much for your so-called immortality, Tom!

Yeah, conjuring Fiendfyre again after all she went through had to be exhausting.

So ... how many DEs did we dispatch here, hmm? Lots? Most of them? All the truly dangerous ones, hopefully? Lestrange better be one of them.
Concolor44 chapter 62 . 12/26/2023
"Did you think I meant monkeys?"
Heh. Hermione in sarcasm mode makes me grin.
She's going to be awesome as Minister for Magic.
Concolor44 chapter 50 . 12/25/2023
So ... Fluffy ... O, my teeth!
Concolor44 chapter 47 . 12/25/2023
"They Won"
Just perfection. (gives a chef's kiss)
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