Reviews for Harry Potter and the Magical Guardian
suziq968 chapter 19 . 9/6/2023
If you want this whole not really a bad guy schtick to work you're gonna have to edit your earlier chapters. Currently, it feels like two different characters. A spiteful MOB changed to a forgetful possibly overwhelmed old man. I don't particularly like either of them, but it's really confusing as is.
suziq968 chapter 19 . 9/6/2023
If you want this whole not really a bad guy schtick to work you're gonna have to edit your earlier chapters. Currently, it feels like two different characters. A spiteful MOB changed to a forgetful possibly overwhelmed old man. I don't particularly like either of them, but it's really confusing as is.
suziq968 chapter 11 . 9/5/2023
You kinda missed the good mark because you made him an irredeemable thief. There's no excuse for that or his petty turning off of the light when dropping Harry off. He's a MOB in this story and I don't think you can change that at this point. Sorry.
suziq968 chapter 11 . 9/5/2023
You kinda missed the good mark because you made him an irredeemable thief. There's no excuse for that or his petty turning off of the light when dropping Harry off. He's a MOB in this story and I don't think you can change that at this point. Sorry.
Ghostwriter chapter 42 . 9/5/2023
Wonderful job. Love it.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2023
By the ancient gods YES PLEASE keep writing this story I’m on the 5th paragraph and I’m already enraptured by your focal point and characters the development alone when most want to talk about how the Dursley’s were awful to Harry no fan fiction that I could find told them in a more realistic and humane way rather than archaic drama. You put more detail and development into the story
Thank You
Phynaxum Perrilinean
mauralee chapter 43 . 9/1/2023
So freaking good! Thank you for sharing!
SamIthuriel chapter 22 . 8/13/2023
1) Your explanation on why Fawkes bonded with APWBD is the best I’ve come across. 2) Your herbalist mentioned his muggleborn mother died back in the “first” war; at this point in the timeline there has only been the one war with Moldie.
Guest chapter 43 . 8/8/2023
good story
Dr Webster chapter 39 . 8/3/2023
I agree in part with what you say in the AN above. The reason for the complaints though is that people seem to forget that a character is just that a character and will and should act in accordance ith the character that it is. They want sometimes desperately for the character to act in a good way & are astounded when they act as they should according to their personality. Do not worry about this. It is the same thing that makes people want William Shatner to act like Cpt. Kirk as to themthey are the same person. At one convention I was at an audience memeber was most upset when an actor did not answer the question. "What is it like to drive the Enterprise?"
tawnya.penner chapter 37 . 8/2/2023
Love this story! Looking forward to Book 2 and any other future works you piblush here!
tawnya.penner chapter 14 . 7/31/2023
Fantastic story! love that there's a sequel! Please say you have plans to update and keep writing! You're a very good writer!
csheila chapter 42 . 7/17/2023

Lily’s potion reminded me how pandemics can awaken diseases. A cousin’s grandson developed diabetes 1 after it had skipped two generations. Around 1920 my grandfather caught mumps, which left him sterile for over a decade. (I assume time cleared the matter.) The mumps are tied to the influenza pandemic.

The magic gene could awaken with the right catalyst (e.g. strong squibs cohabiting and having kids). How many obliviated their Mundane rape victims? Did families self-obliviate about the 11-year-old they tossed on the street. I doubt they killed them all

Hopefully, the Grangers get through to people about genes. DNA analysis got started in England around 1990 but it was criminal.
csheila chapter 41 . 7/17/2023
NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR WRITING SCHEDULE. You do this for free. You also have had many real life issues as well

Thanks for sharing your talent
csheila chapter 39 . 7/17/2023
I hope that Vernon beat the crap out of Dumbles
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