Reviews for Dominion of My Heart
MsLiss chapter 22 . 7/11/2024
Prob Carlisle being an ass again
zorgloup chapter 5 . 6/15/2024
Alice and Jasper being cousins is... interesting
Lulutbo chapter 32 . 3/19/2024
I absolutely loved this story. I skimmed the author notes and noticed one where you were apologizing for the direction of the story. But I felt compelled to say…don’t apologize. It’s your story, your choice and I can choose to read it or not. No one should dictate the direction of your story but you! Well done!
hannahclan chapter 32 . 9/20/2023
Great story concept and writing. Loved this Bella and Edward . Thanks for sharing your talent .
Kimmie50 chapter 31 . 7/12/2023
Why haven't I read this story before? I'm not too big on period pieces, but I thought I'd start it and just see. Girl, you had me at chapter 1. Lol.
I really loved this story. Beautifully written.
Thank you for sharing your words.
I hope one day you'll add to the outtakes. I'd love to see more of Edward's views.
Also, a side note, from the AN of the last chapter, I think, you commented that a reviewer didn't like how this story was going. I guess with the death of Emmett. I mean, I was shocked and saddened by his loss. He is considered one of the main characters after all. But that's how you saw the story going, so is what it is. I didn't care for Carlisle, but who did?
Thanks again!
it's simply me n you chapter 19 . 6/19/2023
Best news ever.
it's simply me n you chapter 16 . 6/19/2023
I hope she’s pregnant. I’ve had a feeling she could be with how she’s feeling
it's simply me n you chapter 9 . 6/18/2023
This was written so beautifully!
divyvicki chapter 31 . 5/22/2023
Great ending for these two!
divyvicki chapter 30 . 5/22/2023
I loved this except for the killing of Emmett. It was especially wonderful that Bella killed Aro!
divyvicki chapter 29 . 5/22/2023
U had to kill Emmett!? What is wrong with you!
divyvicki chapter 23 . 5/10/2023
Im betting Esme doesn’t know of this discussion!
divyvicki chapter 20 . 5/10/2023
So glad she finally gets to see him.
divyvicki chapter 17 . 5/10/2023
Glad they finally have news!
divyvicki chapter 15 . 5/1/2023
Loving this. Have to find Captive!
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