Reviews for Double Back
nana-kags chapter 1 . 12/29/2024
I hope you are able to continue this story. It's really good
Irritated008 chapter 1 . 12/19/2024
What happened to your Harry/Daphne arranged marriage fic? I just noticed it missing.
mrslaura chapter 1 . 12/11/2024
i do hope you are able to continue this is very good...
mollyrt76 chapter 35 . 12/9/2024
Such an amazing story! I hope one day you continue it.
Nevaeh -Rose Malfoy chapter 35 . 12/5/2024
Please continue this. I love the Amelia Bones relationship with older Harry AKA James
laurajpowell123 chapter 35 . 11/27/2024
wow just wow amazing story its one where its written so amazingly. really would love it for an update.
dixonjason403 chapter 35 . 11/19/2024
shame the story seems abandoned, its actually really really fuckin good.
dixonjason403 chapter 29 . 11/19/2024
so random question, is the giant fuck off snake still just chillaxing under the school? we aint even to christmas of year 1 and the stories been abandoned so year 2 aint happening, i just find it weird that the big ol' danger noodle hasnt been mentioned a single time.
dixonjason403 chapter 16 . 11/19/2024
kinda sucks that hermione like...doesnt exist in the story. like she's THERE, but she doesnt even qualify as a background character right now.
dixonjason403 chapter 11 . 11/19/2024
ok that authors note at the start is absolutely fucking obnoxious. it just reads as "im going to arbitrarily invent random bullshit because i wrote myself into a corner" . its okay to introduce new changes and challenges, and i WAS looking forward to them, but to already say youre going to make the main character be "floundering" ? just...fuck that. its like youve doomed him to failure before its even been written.
Believer1991 chapter 35 . 11/13/2024
I am really enjoy this fic. I’ll be honest and day ive avoided it for a long time, I wasn’t sure it was for me. But im so glad I was wrong! I hope you come back to it in the future, thank you for sharing your work !
imkaushik15 chapter 1 . 11/11/2024
This was sooo good ! Too bad its abondened
SablePhoenix chapter 1 . 11/11/2024
I've read this a few times and truly love it. I hope someday that you finish it.
EvelynnSylph chapter 35 . 11/9/2024
This story is great, really nice! I like it
EvelynnSylph chapter 35 . 11/9/2024
Fly! That's awesome! I love when they learn to fly 3
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