Reviews for Divination for Skeptics
Jas Rys chapter 10 . 5/26/2024
okay, i'm reallyy glad i took a chance with this fic. it was hilarious and a good different. i've been missing to read good fics for a while now. thanks for this! hope you'll make more! :D
AussieSweet chapter 12 . 2/10/2024
Oh nice! I kind of fallen out of reading fanfiction for a while and I'm glad that I can read your amazing work now that I'm back.
Your stories are usually so much more than just a fanfiction stories though. There is a lot of thoughts in them that are applicable to everyone in RL if we only choose to think for a moment.
Thank you for that!
AussieSweet chapter 5 . 2/8/2024
I would say it's closer to P.J. Woodhouse. The sense of humour is very close in style.
AussieSweet chapter 2 . 2/8/2024
Very funny and sad chapter. Girls are looking for high compatibility, guys don't care, and in general, these children, who had to fight in the war adults started now have to learn how to live by rules in a normal world. But they were never prepared to live in a normal world, were they?
amihernandezvaldes chapter 2 . 1/19/2024
omg, you like hamilton?
Mmhrl chapter 5 . 10/23/2023
HILARIOUS! Crying with laughter over the entire court scene. Takes such a talented writer to do something like that!
Pen Pearls chapter 5 . 9/5/2023
I just have to out this out there: your writing is incredible! Your sense of comedy is unmatched. Really love this and I'm not even done reading it
Nelli Natisha chapter 5 . 8/23/2023
Theo gives me LIFE
Nelli Natisha chapter 4 . 8/23/2023
This is utter chaos in the best way
Nelli Natisha chapter 4 . 8/23/2023
Theo is chaos. Whether its good or neutral remains to be seen but he is CHAOS and i LOVE IT
Nelli Natisha chapter 3 . 8/23/2023
Harry vs Theo. Im cackling
Nelli Natisha chapter 3 . 8/23/2023
"No. Stop. dont go"... Draco is mad funny here
Nelli Natisha chapter 2 . 8/23/2023
Harrys mesage thru the stag got me CACKLING
CoSmO333 chapter 11 . 8/9/2023
this was absolutely amazing I loved the characters and story line it was great to read thanks for sharing!
Happyhobbitlife chapter 4 . 7/2/2023
I love the comedy of this
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