Reviews for The End
Soprano of the Labyrinth chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
Beautifully written, and so sorrowful. You've really capture the agonizing, unending pain and sweetness of unrequite-able love.

I do wish it was longer though. "Please sir, can I have some more?"
The Mintywolf chapter 1 . 5/6/2003
Powerfully written, mon amie. Brief, but poignant. Brava!
T'eyla Minh chapter 1 . 5/5/2003
Wow. This is very good. Short, but powerful.

I especially like "Kiss me in staccato. Breathe me in arpeggio." - it seems to sum it up, somehow, and in musical terminology.

Convincing narrative, too; I can 'hear' this very much as Christine, and would have done, probably, had you not told us so. (But at the same time it's also very Erik-ish...)

I'm favouriting this one :)